• bullet journaling

    Bullet Journaling

    By Bhumika Ramesh Being organized is never easy. We see a ton of resources everywhere – showing us how to organize with planners, diaries and journals. If you feel these methods are a little too hectic, bullet journaling might be the fit for you! Well, what is a bullet journal? Also known as Bujo, these […]

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  • journaling

    10 Journal prompts to start your work day right

    By Bhumika Ramesh Having a work-from-home schedule can get hectic and exhausting. The line between devices and the world gets blurry at times. Doing a bit of Journaling in those small pockets of time you get rejuvenates the mind – it gets those cogs working! Journaling is an excellent medium to let those thoughts out. […]

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  • manage money

    How to manage your money when you start a business

    By Bhumika Ramesh Business owners understand that planning finances is one of the most crucial processes on the path to self-sufficiency and success. With the higher rise of the number of entrepreneurs entering industries, budgeting and handling cash flow takes on a pedestal of importance. This factor shapes your company in the long run. The […]

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  • 5 ways to relax

    5 ways to relax when you are stressed

    By Bhumika Ramesh That hustle culture does more harm than you know! Well, life without stress is just a utopian ideal, but we all know stress is just inevitable – especially while facing the pressures of today’s world. Therefore, knowledge of handling stress is crucial to have on hand, especially when chronic stress can unleash […]

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  • start a business

    Things to Know when you start a business

    Key to Success is as much clarity as possible before you get started – By Bhumika Ramesh For all newbie entrepreneurs out there, starting a business may seem exciting – however no challenge comes without its risks. Entering any industry requires us to keep our senses alert and eyes open for any opportunities that come […]

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  • success with savitha

    6 Tools you need to start making videos

    By Jivitha Shobashree You guys want to start making videos for YouTube, Instagram or another platform. If yes, ask yourselves these question Will I make videos consistently? Do I have the right tools for the content I want to create? Will I continue to use these tools? You do not need to spend a fortune […]

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  • success with savitha

    7 Habits that made Steve Jobs remarkable

    By Jivitha Shobashree There have been many entrepreneurs and CEO’s who have all been through failure and defeat, broken through those glasses/risen from the ashes and are now successful. One name which stands out from the others is the tech titan: Steve Jobs  Steve Jobs requires no introduction. His name inspires and intimidates at the […]

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  • 5 ways to grow your connections on LinkedIn

    Relation capital is the most important asset you can have By Bhumika Ramesh LinkedIn is the top site for expanding and building your network. It’s the evident leader in social media when it comes to developing connections. The more people you are connected to, the faster you grow on LinkedIn – which increases the net […]

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  • 3 Inspirational Women Entrepreneurs we Admire

    By Anusha Bapat Here’s a list of some fabulous, intelligent and entrepreneurial women who have built some of the most impressive and ingenious businesses out of nothing. These women have helped countless communities and solved major problems with their technology-based businesses.  Jasmine Crowe “I’m really motivated by all the naysayers. As long as you’re going […]

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  • networking

    3 ways to build your network in 2021

    By Bhumika Ramesh Your success might just depend on those people you know! Most of us know that networking is an essential task to keep up with connections: The right people can lead you to the right places. It is one of the most important assets in your business. Before progressing any further, let’s take […]

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