
  • How to cultivate confidence around money

    managing money

    By Bhumika Ramesh

    Financial success is an essential thing for business owners to achieve. Failure or success of a company can depend on it. Therefore, achieving confidence with the way one handles money and financial assets is a vital part of reaching your goals. This will help you have an idea of how to navigate the necessary details regarding your monetary needs. 

    Let’s go over through some points that can help you achieve this!

    • Don’t let other people’s opinions influence your decisions.

    Most of the time people have their own say on different matters resulting from different experiences. However, what they say doesn’t have to be the thing for you to follow. Your own decisions and situations are different, and therefore the results and the path you take are too. Make sure you do receive advice from a legal or financial team if required – an expert’s view can point out vulnerabilities in the blueprint.

    • Plan your goal.

    Laying out a blueprint for the year or the month helps you iron out all the bumps and develop a deeper insight into what can be added. Make it a priority to revisit these goals and refurbish them as your company progresses further. Create separate accounts for managing resources – it makes it easier to access the funds.

    • Use resources and expand your knowledge.

    Never pass on an opportunity to learn more! Extending the amount of information will help you have a confident grasp on the latest news and tidings surrounding monetary and financial capital. Investments and crypto-currency are also a great way to start!

    • Acknowledge your limits.

    When you accept most of the limits you have which are holding you back, you can acquire help to assist your progress. With their help, you can expand your boundaries and take on more calculated risks and challenges to boost your confidence.

    • Focus on your achievements!

    When you achieve something – small or big, take in the feeling of accomplishment. This will help provide a sense of motivation to propel your future endeavours. Small steps forward are a great way to progress rather than giant leaps which might set you back.

    • Build a well-connected network.

    Gather  a team of experienced employees and financial experts – they can help you make decisions with ease – which makes you feel confident in managing your assets. Use their constructive criticism to create better advancements.

    And lastly, start to take action! Make sure you continue to do what matters the most and lead from there on. Managing a company while being responsible as an entrepreneur is hard, but acquiring that confidence to tackle those challenges as they come on!

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  • Dealing with Failure


    Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s a part of success.” 

    All of us strive to fulfil our passions and achieve those dreams inside us. Isn’t that what success is usually defined as? We each have created different paths to reach these destinations. Nevertheless, most of us do not see failure as an important stepping stone in this process. 

    Failure and success are 2 sides of the same coin. Both are essential experiences in the walk of life. In this article,  I share how to deal with failure. 

    • Failing Forward

    This concept of failing forward means exactly what you see – it uses the power of failure to propel you further on your path. This is an extremely hard process as it requires you to consciously understand your failures to make sure you get a headstart for the path ahead. Taking on risks and challenges, learning from your mistakes and not holding yourself back is exactly what failing forward helps you do.

    • Don’t make it personal – rather try to see it objectively.

    The perception of failure as a personal drawback in life never got anyone anywhere. Understand that it is completely okay to make these mistakes and take risks – it’s what you learn from them that matters. Seeing it from an objective view helps you to analyse the occurrence. It also helps you predict future failures that await you to use your experience to deal with it if not avoid it.

    • It hurts, so allow yourself to feel your  emotions.

    Failure does let out quite a few ugly emotions. Comprehending and accepting these emotions is also an important step. Not doing so may result in emotional baggage being carried around, which hinders professional settings, if not professional milestones. Understanding these feelings leads to a better introspective self and acquiring finer knowledge on how to deal with these emotions in the future when the necessity arises.

    • Take on only what you are actually responsible for.

    When a failure occurs we tend to blame ourselves for everything. Take responsibility but stop blaming yourself for everything. It doesn’t help. Be objective and accept responsibility for your part and allow space for others to take on their parts, don’t be the scapegoat. 

    • Growth vs. Fixed Mindset

    Having a mindset fixated on growth rather than having a stagnant one helps in various ways. Growth is hard and uncomfortable most of the time, but it is always worth it. Having an open mind towards new experiences and lessons are always beneficial. Instead of believing you will always fail, tell yourself you aren’t ready yet but will be soon. That is a growth mindset. 

    • What people think is not important.

    One of the most difficult things to remember during success or failure is that it does not matter what people think about it. Focus on your path and you’ll get where you intended to be in due time. People love to give their opinions on most things so know how to differentiate between unnecessary criticism and constructive criticism.

    • Check your ego.

    As hard as this might be to consider, sometimes our ego stands in the way of growing and learning. Figuring out this can take time. This can be one of the only hindrances for you on your journey – so identifying and regulating it is quite an essential task. Often the only thing hurting when we fail is our ego. Let it go. 

    • Keep moving ahead.

    The art of never giving up. Perseverance to get where you need to. Bill Gates’s first company was a failure. Arianna Huffington was rejected 36 times before she could publish her book. To be resilient and believe in yourself, no matter the circumstances will help you attain your dreams.

    Life is never perfect – it is always filled with ups and downs and it is up to us to make the most out of those adventures and experiences.

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  • How to manage your money when you start a business

    manage money

    By Bhumika Ramesh

    Business owners understand that planning finances is one of the most crucial processes on the path to self-sufficiency and success. With the higher rise of the number of entrepreneurs entering industries, budgeting and handling cash flow takes on a pedestal of importance. This factor shapes your company in the long run. The key to success depends not only on transactions or cash flow but also on the way money is managed. In this article, let’s go over a few tips that would enable you to start to manage money!

    • Prepare a lot

    Prior to opening up a company, understand your business plan – this will lay the foundation for the future. Make sure you have the willpower and passion – this journey will not be easy. Conduct market research and get to know your target audience. Assess your finances and use crowdfunding if necessary. Set up bank accounts for your company. Do determine the level of profitability. Legal professionals can always be brought in to clear up things and patent your products if need be. Nevertheless, always understand that there would be risks when undertaking these tasks.

    • Create a nest egg

    Having a cash reserve for a rainy day is never a bad idea. Emergency expenses always creep up. Set up a separate account for your emergency assets in order to ensure it doesn’t get mixed up with the others. Make sure they’re accessible and easy to withdraw when required. Review your emergency fund requirements every year to account for the changes taking place in your professional and personal life.

    • Negotiate everything

    When you’re just starting, it’s extremely vital to negotiate. There are more opportunities out there than you think – you need to know how to ask for it. Understand that pricing is not a dealbreaker – explore other options first before finalising. Any skill you have can be used for marketing, not just your main service or your main product. These extra skills can be very valuable when you have to jump through hoops. Try to learn to ask – you can get often more out of your deals in this manner.

    • Hire right

    Remarkable employees can build a great company. They enhance almost every aspect of your business. Use an agenda to keep track of what the company would benefit from when recruiting. Frame the right questions for the interview and analyse their credentials – this helps you segregate potential employees. Hiring the right employees – especially ones who take care of finances and taxes, can take significant hours off your work and allow you to focus on tasks that need your attention.

    • Know your next steps.

    Create blueprints for your business plans. These steps do provide a sense of stability. They could be as simple as securing clients or long term goals like building a community. Form deadlines to keep you on top of your work. Budgeting is also an essential step in creating business plans. You can find out where spending needs to be utilized and where it needs to be reduced. The better you get at this, the easier it is to manage and save up money.

    • Ask yourself when making decisions – what will investors think?

    When you have investors in the game, it is always important to go over your decisions. Investors would have invested in your company when they observe something they believe will bring positive results. Fiscal investors tend to observe the financial details a lot more closely. When you make decisions that affect the company’s functioning, make sure it lies in the interest and has the support of your investors.

    • Know your priorities

    It’s essential to know where you stand in terms of your priorities. Understanding what parts of your company require more attention and resources is crucial. This will allow for substantial growth. Planning your priorities with time as a check can be extremely helpful. Go through your priorities often – progress is never stagnant.

    Managing fiscal assets is no easy task. The more you experience and understand dealing with financial aspects of your business, the better you get at knowing where to put your profits – whether it be investing in the growth of the company or increasing market reach. Now that you have a basis for planning and managing your money wisely, you can glide through those rookie blunders!

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  • Things to Know when you start a business

    start a business
    Key to Success is as much clarity as possible before you get started

    – By Bhumika Ramesh

    For all newbie entrepreneurs out there, starting a business may seem exciting – however no challenge comes without its risks. Entering any industry requires us to keep our senses alert and eyes open for any opportunities that come our way. Today’s post consists of tips that can help you navigate and find that path to achieve your goals and conquer your dreams! 

    Let’s get right down to it:

    • Know your why

    Understanding the reason, purpose, and passion behind starting your business will motivate you to focus on your company, push forward even with obstacles, and stick through thick and thin. Your company’s purpose must be exhibited in its every facet – this is what makes it truly robust.

    • Protection of your intellectual property

    Intellectual property refers to the ideas, patents, copyrights, trademarks, and other items that make your company unique. These elements require legal protection as much as any other physical component of your company would. Invest some time in understanding your rights and where you stand on these elements – bringing in legal experts can be helpful. To make sure your idea is particularly unique, research the market and the industry to identify other products that may have the same use or look. These could pose problems later.

    • Hiring the right team

    Remarkable employees can build a great company. They enhance almost every aspect of your business. Use an agenda to keep track of what the company would benefit from when recruiting. Analyse their credentials to make sure it’s what the company requires. Frame the right questions for the interview – this helps you segregate potential employees. Do conduct background checks before sending out the offer letter.

    • Create emergency funds

    Keeping aside assets for a rainy day is never a bad idea – as we have seen with the pandemic. Budgeting is the most essential part to plan for emergency funds. Create a monthly goal to deposit funds. Setting up a separate account for the accumulation of funds is an excellent way to escape the temptation of spending. However make sure it is accessible and easy to withdraw when you need them. Review your emergency fund requirements every year to account for the changes taking place in your professional and personal life.

    • Plan for the cash flow

    Cash flow is an extremely crucial part of any company. It is the driving force that keeps the company on its feet. Review your bank statements regularly to monitor the status of cash flow. Make a note of all your expenses and other ways cash could be used up (rent, salaries, etc.) Create projections of your cash-flow statements – this is extremely useful for planning future finances and the growth of the company. Track your inventory (if you have one) and make sure it does not sit on shelves for long periods.

    Success and consistency do not arrive without hard work and perseverance. Ensuring your company passes all the hurdles thrown at it is not an easy feat. Here’s hoping some of these tips help clear the foggy sight, and make you take those first strides to reach your aspirations.

    Hiring a new team, read this post on how to onboard new team members

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  • 7 Habits that made Steve Jobs remarkable

    success with savitha

    By Jivitha Shobashree

    There have been many entrepreneurs and CEO’s who have all been through failure and defeat, broken through those glasses/risen from the ashes and are now successful. One name which stands out from the others is the tech titan: Steve Jobs 

    Steve Jobs requires no introduction.

    His name inspires and intimidates at the same time.

    He was a charismatic pioneer, widely considered a visionary and genius.

    He was the founder of Apple along with Steve Wozniak and also the founder of PIXAR. 

    Yet, before all of this he was also a person struggling to make a sense in this world. While Steve Jobs was trying to achieve his goals, he also went through struggles and hardships and tried hard not to let his stress, anxiety and fear overwhelm him.

    To overcome these feelings and to achieve your goals is to have the right set of habits.

    So here are some habits which made Steve Jobs remarkable.


    One of the most important traits of Steve Jobs is his attention to detail. His work experience with his father instilled in him the importance of this which later paved way to his success. Attention to detail is essential where errors can be costly in an organisation. Steve Jobs meticulous nature is what made his ideas and visions into a well-executed plan.

    In the words of Steve Jobs – “Details matter, it’s worth waiting to get it right”

    1. DON’T GIVE UP

    Everyone has their own set of failures and difficulties but rising above them is what makes you different from the others. Steve Jobs was an orphan and college dropout but that didn’t stop him from dreaming big. Overcoming those struggles, learning from them and to never lose hope is one of the mantra.

    In the words of Steve Jobs – “Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith.”


    Steve Jobs used to set goals for the long term and short term. It helped him in strategizing and planning things out on the long run.

    When Jobs was fired from Apple by his own (CEO), he still didn’t lose hope and started another company NeXT which later on merged with apple and Jobs came back to his beloved company.

    Therefore setting new goals and learning to move on was key.


    Steve Jobs was a perfectionist and his meticulous nature was not appreciated by everyone. He used to fire people who couldn’t meet his idea of perfection but after he was fired from his own company, he learnt from his mistake and started pushing people to achieve the impossible.

    Like people say don’t take failure as the end but take it as the beginning of something new.

    In the words of Steve Jobs – “Life goes on and you learn from it.”


    Apple was founded not just by Steve Jobs alone but with a great partner Steve Wozniak.

    You need to find the right people or partner in your life to be successful.

    The people who you surround yourself with will either make or break your life.

    1. TAKE RISKS 

    You may have the opportunity to try something you love and are excited about.

    Sometimes the situation cannot always be in our favour we might face rejections or failures but without trying we won’t know what the future holds for us.


    Steve Jobs was adopted, he had a difficult childhood but that didn’t stop him from achieving the impossible. It is important to always be optimistic it helps you to have a clear view of things, to make decisions and focus on what’s important.

    The biggest problem?

    Habits can’t be developed overnight, you will have to consistently build it.

    It should be fostered, cultivated and nurtured. 

    In the words of Steve Jobs – “In the first 30 years of your life, you make your habits. For the last 30 years of your life, your habits make you.”

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  • 3 Inspirational Women Entrepreneurs we Admire

    By Anusha Bapat

    Here’s a list of some fabulous, intelligent and entrepreneurial women who have built some of the most impressive and ingenious businesses out of nothing. These women have helped countless communities and solved major problems with their technology-based businesses. 

    Jasmine Crowe

    “I’m really motivated by all the naysayers. As long as you’re going after something that you love, you shouldn’t give up on your dreams. That’s the biggest thing” says Crowe. 

    She launched her brand, Goodr, in 2017. Goodr is an Atlanta based, sustainable surplus food management platform that leverages technology with a goal to reduce food waste and combat hunger. The platform provides an end to end logistic solution to pick up and donate excess food and distribute it to underprivileged communities. Crowe started out as a solo entrepreneur in a one-bedroom apartment; despite facing a lot of doubt from investors, the venture is now valued at over $12 million. We commend this hunger hero and business savvy do-“Goodr”!

    You can find her on Linkedin here

    Ritu Narayan

    Ritu Narayan started Zūm, a mobile app that enables parents to schedule rides for their kids from fully vetted drivers. It also partners with school districts to support their transportation needs. A lot of women stagnate their career because of the hassle of childcare. Ritu’s goal was to create a reliable service for easier and safer transportation for kids. 90% of the zūm drivers are women with childcare experience. Zūm has expanded to 7 states and partnered up with more than 2000 schools. 

    Find her on Linkedin here

    Yunha Kim

    Yunha Kim founded the #1 wellness and sleep app called Simple Habit which offers short audio meditations to help with issues including stress, weight loss, relationships and even better sleep. The app has a library of over 1600  paid and unpaid guided meditations. Yunha made an unforgettable appearance on Shark Tank where her pitch was rejected. She went on to feature in the 30 under 30 list in 2017. 

    We applaud these extraordinary, hardworking women who have broken through in a man’s world and built breathtaking, lucrative business empires.

    Find her on Linkedin here

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  • 3 ways to build your network in 2021


    By Bhumika Ramesh

    Your success might just depend on those people you know!

    Most of us know that networking is an essential task to keep up with connections: The right people can lead you to the right places. It is one of the most important assets in your business. Before progressing any further, let’s take into account the years 2020 and 2021, where a lot of social meetings couldn’t take place due to the restrictions. How do you go about building your network then, especially if you aren’t a people person?

    To help you build a stronger network, here are a few tips:

    • Stay up to date in your field!

    As you start building networks, it’s important to stay on top of the news in your relevant industry or field. Read those newspapers, subscribe to newsletters and keep up with some of the big speakers and influencers in your field. Use Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn regularly. Interaction can help you develop new networks and possibly acquire new clients. 

    By staying up to date, you can effortlessly bring these topics into conversations with new people online or start them out as ice-breakers!

    • Construct win-win situations.

    When both parties gain something from the interaction, it’s a much more beneficial situation. In doing so, both parties feel useful and the other person may reach out to you for more opportunities in the future. Building these long-term relationships goes a long way, especially in a business-oriented field.

    • Re-connect. 

    Nobody likes that one friend who decides to contact us after years for a small favour. We typically don’t want to go out of our way for them. To avoid this situation, follow up with people you meet. Talk with them regularly, and stay in contact with them.

    Social media can help you do so too. Sustaining relationships makes the other person turn out to be more favourable to you in the future.

    A strong and huge network can very well lift you to heights. Interacting with different people from different walks of life gives you an understanding of diversity. Different points of view help you expand your knowledge and so do your communication skills improve. To conclude, the process of networking is a pivotal factor in the life of any businessperson.

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  • What can you learn from failure?


    By Bhumika Ramesh

    “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently”

    Henry Ford

    Every single one of us has stared failure in the face at some point in our lifetime. You might ask yourself – What exactly is failure?

    Failure, as defined by the Oxford Dictionary, fundamentally means a lack of success. This literal definition does not apply to many. Most of us see it as the end of the road or the mountain we can’t climb. However, every cloud has a silver lining – and so does any failure. 

    Failure has an astonishing potential to teach us. These teachings can very well be life-defining on the path to success. 

    Let’s go over some of the best lessons we can grasp from failure!

    • You begin to look at the hurdles in your path in a different light.

    We, as humans, have a basic desire for instant satisfaction. When this isn’t achieved, we have the ability to look at the bigger picture and plan out our goals in a much better manner. When you fail, you realise that there are way more factors that can help you succeed and when approached differently, maybe in a more efficient manner too.

    • The word NO isn’t the end.

    You start to understand closed doors can be opened – with a little bit of perseverance. You keep on going and pushing, no matter the number of rejections. Persistence is definitely a component of success. Rome wasn’t built in a day!

    • Failure changes what you value.

    When you fall to the ground, perception changes. The things you most valued once may now be of no importance at all. Instead, unexpected qualities start to take the spotlight. The values you expected to matter in the long run, may have the rug pulled out from underneath their feet. On the path to success, change is definite; permanence is not.

    • You understand your emotions and learn how to cope with them in a better way.

    When faced with failure, ugly emotions – anger, jealousy, irritation and others of the like surface. It’s hard to stay focused on the goal when these feelings wreak chaos on your well-being. Dealing with these feelings help us manage them far more effectively. When you start preparing your mind to be focused and restrain yourself from distractions, nothing is too hard or too far.

    • And probably the most important lesson of them all, you learn to never give up.

    It might sound commonplace, but it is the truth. When you have the passion and the belief, no matter how many times you’re knocked over, you get up. You get up and stand again. You progress and walk forward. 

    Failure is definitely not what we cut it out to be. Nevertheless, it is inevitable, and in the face of it, we rise up – much stronger, knowing better and more passionate about our goals.

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  • 3 exciting ways to onboard employees to your business


    -By Anusha Bapat

    The first day at a job is always exciting for the new recruits who are bubbling with enthusiasm, ready to give it their all.

    As an employer, it is equally important to make their onboarding experience as simple and positive as possible. Employees don’t want to feel lost and alone on their first day; they want to be welcomed into a happy workplace, meet their new teammates and be informed on the important details.

    A good onboarding process has many benefits, including a better relationship with colleagues, long-term employee retention, increased motivation, and improved performance. It’s a good idea to convey your expectations and company values in a friendly and undemanding manner. 

    Here are some fail-proof ways to appreciate and welcome your new recruits:

    • Plan a team lunch during the first week.

    Your other employees are acquainted and comfortable with each other. It is not unusual for the newcomer to feel left out and scared to ask questions. Having a casual meeting over lunch can help them get out of their element and break the ice. Being more comfortable with their coworkers will automatically familiarize them with the environment. 

    • Don’t assign duties in the first week, focus on training and informing. 

    Focusing on a functional and utilitarian training in the first week will give newcomers a clearer picture of their new job. It’s vital to explain company policies during this time. An in-depth and well rounded training week can set the tone for the quality of their future work. Establish key goals and allow them to pace themselves and adapt to the schedule and responsibility. 

    • Have periodic check-ins.

    Check-in on your recruits every week or so for the first few months and ensure they’re well equipped. Speaking to them personally can make them feel more important and motivate them to give you the same energy you give them.  

    It is also crucial to take their feedback on their onboarding experience so that you can improve it in the future. 

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  • Why Client Testimonials are pivotal to your Business?


    -By Deepti Satish

     “Average players want to be left alone. Good players want to be coached. Great players want to be told the truth.”


    Before buying a product or availing of a service we don’t just instinctively believe what the marketing says about the brand. Instead we go down to read the client testimonials or reviews that prior customers have left for us. 

    What are client testimonials?

    Client testimonials are endorsements by pleased customers or clients who validate the reliability of a product or service.

    Building trust and credibility is very important for a business. The business must not only give their clients solutions to their problems but also be the best at it. Clients would be motivated to stay and bring more patrons with them when they have a sense of trust and credibility. Your company thrives and grows in this way.

    Client testimonials play a vital role in establishing them. People are more likely to trust what other customers have said about a service or product than what the company claims.

    Testimonials add more weight and authenticity to your brand. Marketing is crucial for the success of a brand. Along with great marketing tactics, optimistic brand testimonials are a game-changer that helps the brand succeed. They influence customers and clients to spend more and avail themselves of more services and spread the word about your business once they are satisfied.

    According to studies, client testimonies are proven to be 89% effective. It is more effective than hired third party reviews, as they are more genuine and bonafide. They significantly influence purchasing decisions.

    How to get client testimonials?

    1. Ask them to: sometimes clients either forget or just don’t write reviews. In that case, it’s best to just ask them to do so. You could also ask social media influencers who’ve bought products or services to mention you on their social media.
    2. Use a listing service: google, yelp and many other websites allow clients and customers to rate and review the companies that have registered with them.
    3. Allow Clients to Leave Ratings and Reviews Directly on Your Website or social media: Although using a third-party review system is great, it might be more useful for your clients to leave ratings and reviews directly on your website. Visitors will be able to quickly read the feedback that will influence their buying decisions.

    Finally, client testimonials are more genuine and legitimate, and potential clients will trust them. Third-party feedback and bots can be very transparent and phoney at times. Raw, truthful, and voluntary testimonials are valued by the public.

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