
  • How to be a LinkedIn top voice?

    linkedin top voices

    By Deepti Satish

    LinkedIn is commonly known as an “online resume”. It does resemble a resume, it exhibits your schooling history, your work experience, skills, strengths, weaknesses etc.

    But LinkedIn has emerged to be more than that,  it’s a networking site for business individuals and entrepreneurs helping them develop a brand, self-branding etc.

    Every person on LinkedIn creates a chance to make their opinion known. They get to write article, posts, show off their skills, voice their opinions on certain situations. 

    Every year, LinkedIn honours over 300 writers by compiling a list known as the “Linkedin Top Voices.”

    The LinkedIn top voices is a LinkedIn initiative that recognises influencers who succeed on the social media platform. They’re the ones who took advantage of every blogging feature—articles, posts, comments, and so on—and made their voices and viewpoints heard by everyone

    The Top Voices on LinkedIn are chosen based on a set of parameters related to app engagement, including:

    However, just posting consistently will not help you reach the top voices list. It’s all about connecting with people, communicating, networking, and creating a tribe.

    People on the list have been very engaging and interactive with their audiences over the year via their posts.

    • Engagement provided by posts, including responses, comments, and shares across all content created by each member)
    • Follower growth over time-based on posting cadence – that is, how often and how much they post to LinkedIn

    Linkedin has top voice lists for various categories. Such as: 

    Data Science and AI, Design, Education, Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Equity in the Workplace, Finance and Economy,  Frontline Health Care, Frontline Retail, Job Search and Careers, Marketing and Advertising, Sales, Sports, Technology

    Things to consider if you want to be a top voice:

    1. Consistency is key: The more you write, the more your audience will recognise you. As a result of your consistency and interaction on the website, more users will reach out to you. People like it when you try to bring out more content and socialise with others, and this will draw them to your page.
    2. People crave real content: Viewers want to know how you feel and what your thoughts are on the topic. Raw content piques their interest further. They aren’t interested in reading any more cliched stories or blogs. Your audience will want to come for more if they savour your authenticity. 
    3. Use hashtags to join in on public opinion. To join new, relevant audiences with your content, use three to five relevant hashtags in your posts. You will also join a feed and react/comment on discussions from the viewpoint of your company when you connect your LinkedIn Page with related hashtags in your Communities Hashtags panel, further introducing your brand identity to new, relevant audiences.
    4. Share a lot of video and visual content: Make sure you have a lot of eye-catching graphics in your marketing mix. Unique imagery, especially videos, stands out more on feeds, making your brand (and Page) stick out.

    Some of LinkedIn top voices 2020 are:

    1. Hansi Mehrotra – Founder, The Money Hans
    2. Kamalika Paddar – Manager – Business Intelligence, Axis Bank
    3. Nischala Murthy Kaushik – Global Marketing Director – CTO office, Wipro
    4. Ritu Anand – Chief Leadership & Diversity Officer, TCS
    5. Sugandha – Project Manager, Title operations, Netflix
    6. Roopa Kudva – MD. Omidyar Network India
    7. Abhijit Bhaduri – Founder & CEO Abhijit Bhaduri & Associates 
    8. Aditya Vivek Thota – Software engineer, Visa 

    You can look at their pages for inspiration as to how to improve your LinkedIn profile.

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  • 3 exciting ways to onboard employees to your business


    -By Anusha Bapat

    The first day at a job is always exciting for the new recruits who are bubbling with enthusiasm, ready to give it their all.

    As an employer, it is equally important to make their onboarding experience as simple and positive as possible. Employees don’t want to feel lost and alone on their first day; they want to be welcomed into a happy workplace, meet their new teammates and be informed on the important details.

    A good onboarding process has many benefits, including a better relationship with colleagues, long-term employee retention, increased motivation, and improved performance. It’s a good idea to convey your expectations and company values in a friendly and undemanding manner. 

    Here are some fail-proof ways to appreciate and welcome your new recruits:

    • Plan a team lunch during the first week.

    Your other employees are acquainted and comfortable with each other. It is not unusual for the newcomer to feel left out and scared to ask questions. Having a casual meeting over lunch can help them get out of their element and break the ice. Being more comfortable with their coworkers will automatically familiarize them with the environment. 

    • Don’t assign duties in the first week, focus on training and informing. 

    Focusing on a functional and utilitarian training in the first week will give newcomers a clearer picture of their new job. It’s vital to explain company policies during this time. An in-depth and well rounded training week can set the tone for the quality of their future work. Establish key goals and allow them to pace themselves and adapt to the schedule and responsibility. 

    • Have periodic check-ins.

    Check-in on your recruits every week or so for the first few months and ensure they’re well equipped. Speaking to them personally can make them feel more important and motivate them to give you the same energy you give them.  

    It is also crucial to take their feedback on their onboarding experience so that you can improve it in the future. 

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  • How you can help during the pandemic


    By Athena Joseph

    John Kennedy once said, “ As long as we see the same sky, breathe the same air, step on the same planet, then, you and I are not impossible”

    Day by day, minute by minute the corona virus pandemic is just playing out on a global scale. Life has become hard and tough through these difficult times. But there are people out there who actually need our help while they are battling the virus in many different forms. Let us look at a few acts of kindness through which we can help others.

    1. Check on your neighbors : Though the pandemic is world wide, we must start by looking at who is around us, by this I mean those who live with us or those living close like our neighbors. Assess their priorities and try reaching out by leaving out items at their doorstep. Ask if they need help sometimes that is all it takes.
    1. Calling people & try connecting virtually: Families are stranded across the globe and the only way to connect with our loved ones is virtually. People who engage in meaningful and productive activities with others tend to live longer, improve their mood, and have a sense of purpose.  So, it is important that try and stay connected virtually. Reach out to a friend you may haven’t called in a while or a family member.
    1. Volunteer for Covid Care: While many people don’t have extra funds right now,if you’re one of the lucky ones who do, consider donating to an organization that’s making a difference during the pandemic. It necessarily doesn’t have to be through monetary donations but can be done by donating food, blood,clothing, equipment,making meals for those affected and in isolation, running errands for them etc.
    1. Take care of yourself: Self-care encourages you to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself so that you can transmit the good feelings to others.You cannot give to others what you don’t have yourself. Let’s start this by staying in our homes, wearing masks, washing our hands and stepping out only of it is          necessary.

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  • These CEO’s net-worth grew during the pandemic

    success with savitha

    By Sowmya Narasimhan

    The year 2020 was unforgettable for all of us because of the ongoing global pandemic of coronavirus disease that has affected our lives adversely and left us all in distress. Many lost their jobs and the economy also suffered a massive setback. 

    But amidst all of this, some CEOs of companies belonging to different industrial sectors, managed to bag huge profits for their company and topped the list of richest people in the world. 

    Here is a list of the top five richest CEOs in the world:

    • Warren Buffet 

    Industry: Finance & Investments

    Wealth growth during the pandemic: +$13.6 billion (+20.1%)

    Warren Edward Buffett is an American investor, business tycoon, philanthropist, and chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. He ranks as the fifth wealthiest person in the world.

    • Mark Zuckerberg

     Industry: Technology

    Wealth growth during the pandemic: +$46.5 billion (+85.1%)

    During the pandemic, the social media platform was used by people to stay in touch amid social distancing protocols. This helped Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and, CEO of Facebook to achieve this enormous economic growth.

    • Bill Gates

     Industry: Technology

    Wealth growth during the pandemic: +$20.0 billion (+20.4%)

    William Henry Gates III is an American business magnate, software developer, investor, author, and philanthropist. He is a co-founder of Microsoft Corporation. He is invested in several other assets which makes him the third richest person in the world.

    • Elon Musk

      Industry: Automotive

    Wealth growth during the pandemic: +$68.2 billion (+277.4%)

    Elon Musk, a visionary and entrepreneur, first became wealthy through selling software company Zip2, then co-founding PayPal. As the CEO OF space exploration and Rocket Company SpaceX and his stake in electric car manufacturer Tesla he has gained much of his wealth and is currently the second richest man in the world.

    • Jeff Bezos

      Industry: Technology

    Wealth growth during the pandemic: +$90.1 billion (+79.8%)

    As people have avoided going outside amid the pandemic, many have also been choosing to do their shopping online. Jeff Bezos being the founder and CEO of the world’s largest e-commerce site, Amazon benefited tremendously throughout the pandemic. Bezos is by far the wealthiest person in the world.

    CEOs are the pillar of strength of the company. Even in these tough times, these CEOs managed to stay strong and their perseverance paid off. Several other companies around the world prospered in the pandemic against all odds. Their journey to success has been amazing and inspirational. So, no matter how much negativity surrounds you, stay positive and never give up on your goals.

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  • Reclaiming your boundaries

    The good girl archetype is obsolete and every day is Women’s Day.

     I mean, we women are going places, smashing internal and external glass ceilings, and reframing our narrative.

    But again, that archetype is only obsolete in theory.


    Raise your hand if you

    –Have trouble saying no to friends, family and colleagues

    –Shy away from conflict even when you know you’re right

    –Think taking time out for yourself is wasteful

    –Have trouble standing up for yourself when people don’t show you the respect you deserve

    Also, raise your hand if you had a running ticker in your head going “…but women shouldn’t do all these. That’s not lady-like.”

    Ladies, it’s time to reclaim your boundaries.

    How to reclaim and set boundaries consistently

    1.    Let your personal preferences and wellbeing guide you

    Sounds like the most obvious thing doesn’t it?

    But I’ll be honest, it took me a long time to acknowledge my preferences and realize I can have boundaries to set.

    The first step is understanding what you’re willing to let slide, and which are hard “nos.”

    Next, repeat after me: “Boundaries are helpful and I deserve to reclaim mine.”

    2.    Communicate your boundaries

    As much as we’d like to our spouses, family members, friends and colleagues to be mind readers, they’re not.

    So communicating your boundaries is on you – don’t chicken out, you can do this!

    3. Enforce them consistently

    Once you’ve put them out in the world, stand by them.

    If going all out scares you (it’s normal), take small steps everyday. The next thing you know, you’ll be so much better at communicating and enforcing your boundaries.

    Confidence comes from competence, so keep going.

    4. Don’t let the fear of “not belonging” stop you

    As human beings, we always desire to be liked by those around us.

    Sure, it’s okay to do nice things for people you care about. But when you operate from a place of crushing your own sovereignty to serve others, that’s when you’ll be in trouble.

    Breaking out of the “people pleasing” cycle is tough – but once you start understanding your core values and bask in the headspace that comes from not being the “yes” woman, you’ll be happy to do it more often.

    Let’s have a candid conversation in the comments – how do you communicate your boundaries? And if you don’t, what’s stopping you?

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  • Coorg Women in Business


    This October 18th on the auspicious day of the birthday of Mother Cauvery, we launched our community not for profit initiative. Titled “Coorg Women in Business” we aim create support and help women owned businesses from the community.

    This is primarily a community + biz building platform to empower women who run or want to start a business from the Kodava community.

    We will bring together small business, support and enable them through both private and government supported programs, create a platform that will enable them to network and collaborate, support a community marketplace, provide learning and hope to help grow local brands.

    Why this initiative?

    As a Kodava myself with deep love for the land I have seen over the years so many creative and enterprising women start businesses from their estates. With everything I have learned I ask myself why not do my bit to help bring my skills of online marketing, building brands to help these businesses.

    To me this is a small but important project. I hope it will create massive impact.

    Support us by following us on our Instagram on or Facebook page

    Do participate and engage with us.



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