Month: October 2021

  • How to find your ideal client?

    ideal client

    By Anusha Bapat

    An Ideal Client is someone who finds the perfect solution to their problems or needs in the services or products that your company provides. It is important to understand your ideal client and audience for effective marketing. To begin, ask yourself three simple questions. ‘What problems does my product or service intend to solve?’,  ‘Who do I want to serve? Who is my ideal client and what characteristics will they have?’

    1. Analyse your audience and build a client profile.

    Researching factors like geography, age, gender, occupation and income level can instantly give you a clearer picture as to how you should appeal to your audience. Conduct surveys to study psychographics like lifestyle, behaviourism and ideologies. The goal is to use this research to find where your ideal client is at.

    1. Instantly draw in ideal customers with an effective marketing strategy.

    Identify which social media app your clients use the most. Start promoting your content on the app on which they are likely to find you easily. You want to emotionally resonate with your client and build their trust in you. Your marketing needs to allow customers to relate to you. They need to be reassured that you are providing them a solution for their problem. Don’t hesitate to scrutinize the social media app analytics. This will help you identify what marketing works best your clients. 

    1. Differentiate yourself from your competitors.

    Chances are, your competition is trying to win over a similar set of customers. Conduct competitor analyses. This will not only give you more data on your customers but it will also show you the gaps and positives in the competitions marketing. Show your customers what they would miss out on if they didn’t choose you. Why are you the brand that best addresses their needs? Engaging more often with your clients and conducting timely surveys can help you anticipate future trends. And be ahead of the competition. 

    An ‘ideal client’ is a very dynamic concept. The perfect client today, might not need your product or service tomorrow. Similarly the opposite can also be true. Someone you would never consider a prospective customer today, might become your client in a few months when trends shift. Your market survey needs to be a continuous process for you to constantly attract the best set of customers.  

    Read this for more ways on finding your ideal client

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  • Make your Business Legal

    legal set up

    By Anusha Bapat

    Setting up your Business legally may be an unnerving process. It involves fulfilling many key tasks apart from the main business setup. Not all of us are masters of law and understanding the legal requirements to set up a business can be daunting. We make this simpler for you.

    Here is a list of some basic legalities to get you started:

    1. Register your business

    Registering your company will save you from unwanted legal battles. Research the licenses required for your business and register your startup as a sole proprietorship, partnership or LLP, private limited company. However depending on the type of company you plan to create, talk to your lawyer and Chartered Accountant for the best advice how to structure your company. Chances are that you will need to register for multiple licenses since different industries require different permits. You will need to register for GST if your income levels are over the limit or depending on who you want to do Business. Along with this you will also need to get Bank accounts and PAN card in place.

    1.  Get the contracts in place for working with clients

    Create contracts that will not only protect your Business but also will make your Business professional. You will need this if you have suppliers and vendors as well as employees. Set licensing agreements and Non disclosure agreements in place to avoid legal quarrels with parties you deal with. (If required) However be careful to not complicate it with over documentation either.

    1. Adhere to the local laws

    It is very important to know the labor laws around minimum wage, maternity leaves, working hours and sexual harassment. So do your homework and understand what you will need to implement.

    1. Protect your intellectual property

    Trademarks, IP’s etc need to be created to protect you. Contact an IP lawyer to help you with intellectual property protection and obtaining copyrights, patents and trademarks. Keeping everything nice and legal.

    5. Research government schemes and grants

    The local and central Governments may have a number of programs to help new businesses grow faster and make the set-up process easier. Take time and evaluate these to see if they may be useful for you and if you are eligible. Do your research and apply for these benefits!

    6. Finally set up your payment gateways

    Once your Business is registered, you now have the opportunity to have many more payment gateways and payment options available to your clients. That is a big win!

    Applying for each and every license can be taxing. But with the help of a good accountant or financial/legal advisor you can get this done with ease. Set up your business legally from the start so you don’t have to deal with this stuff after starting the business. 

    See this link to learn how to register your Business.

    Want help with learning how to stay on top of your finances? See this post.

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  • 5 Tips to choose your social media platform

    social media platform

    By Vaishnavi Kumar

    Social media as a platform has become a very essential part of most people’s life, be it for work or entertainment. Some of the most widely used social media platforms currently are Youtube, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Tik Tok and Twitter. 

    Social media has always been a great place to showcase your work, as it reaches a larger audience in just a click. And it is one of free marketing tools available today. Well it is not completely free as it does take time. Businesses and Users alike are using such platforms for a variety of reasons. From content creation to marketing their products online, from using it to earn money, to only viewing as an audience/buyer, from just posting self-pictures to using it as a medium to learn, buy, create awareness and what not! 

    We are sharing a few tips which may help you choose the best one for your business:-

    • Identify the reason – The first thing is to recognize why you need a social media platform. This is the first step towards choosing your platform. It will give you more clarity and will make it easier to choose. Set some goals around what you want to achieve via Social Media.

    • Recognize your target audience – The second and most important thing is to identify your audience. If your content is focused more on engaging Gen Z then Instagram and YouTube is the best platform for you! If sharing professional information, LinkedIn is the apt platform for you. However if your audience is on WhatsApp then you may have to find ways to market on that particular platform. Hence identify where your audience is at. And then choose your platform accordingly.

    • Study and compare various platforms – The third step is to study and understand each platform thoroughly. Each platform has its own way of engaging people, its own set of audience. Learn all the features, how the platform works, what are some best practices etc. This will help you leverage the platform well.

    • Keep an eye on your competitor – What platform are they on? And where do they have the most traction and engagement. Therefore this is also an important step in choosing your platform. It’s always a good idea to keep a watch on your competition.

    Ultimately what matters is not the platform name, but where your audience resides and which platform will help you grow your Business. Research is the first step towards any work. Hence, take into consideration all the factors and choose the best platform. Don’t just jump onto all the platforms at once.

    First set up one platform and grow it to a certain level before you start another one. This will help you stay consistent and also make it sustainable for you to grow faster and better.

    We hope these tips help you in choosing the best platform and reaching new heights. 

    See this article on the Biggest Social Media Sites and Apps in 2021

    See this article on how to be a LinkedIn Top Voice

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