Month: August 2021

  • 4 simple email marketing hacks you should be using now

    success with savitha

    By Bhumika Ramesh

    Email Marketing is an extremely versatile tool used in the world of advertising and online marketing. Apart from its several other purposes. Email marketing is an excellent strategy to include in your business to up your game. It has proven to be 40% more effective than Facebook Ads. However getting people to sign up for your mailing list might be a little tricky, but the real challenge comes with your open rates.

    The higher your open rates, the higher the engagement is. And the higher the possibility of your client purchasing your services or products. Even the smallest changes to your strategy can increase the number of readers, so let’s get into it!

    • Modify your previews -The preview text is what appears after the sender’s name and subject line. It is a wonderful tool to catch the attention of your audience. By having an interesting preview line, you make your email stand out from others in an inbox. Since not all users can see your preview text due to device availability, keep it between 50 – 100 words.

    • Personalization is key – Adding first names to address the client or using your own name can help a lot. People will pay more attention when they see name is being used to address them. Make the email cater to them – pique their interest. This increases the user’s recognition of your emails and those open rates get higher!

    • Timing the sends – Determining when to send out your mails is quite a tricky task and requires experimentation – especially if you cater to several clients over several continents. There is no one best time to send them out. Research your audience, their working hours and the time zones they are in. 

    • Pay attention to your CTA button – The CTA(Call to Action) button exists to help users complete an activity or task such as reaching a website or downloading a guide. Highlighting it is important. Experiment with different texts, backgrounds and overlay designs. If you’re trying to lead the audience to one destination, try to keep only one CTA button in your email. Optimising CTA can lead to a decrease in unsubscribes. 

    Email marketing can help make your brand visible, stand out and expand your presence online. In the present digital age, it is one of the most consistent techniques to bring in more users. Hope these tips help you to increase those open rates in your mailing lists!

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  • How to grow your side hustle while slaying it at your 9-to-5

    success with savitha

    By Anusha Bapat

    A side hustle can help you grow personally as well as professionally. Not only can it aid you financially but it can also act as an escape from work. With a practical schedule and a positive attitude, you can set up a successful side hustle while doing your 9-to-5. 

    Here I share 4 things to help you stay the course:

    1 Commit to a schedule – Productivity is key. You need to create a schedule that allows you to set up your business without allowing it to eat up time from your other projects. Analyse what time of the day or week you have a clear mind and when you are most productive. Some people work better early in the morning and others work better before bedtime. Figure out how often you want to spend time on your side hustle and do your best to stick to the plan. 

    2. Treat the side hustle the same way you treat your job – Give it the same effort, seriousness and importance. You would not forfeit from doing office work just because you were lazy. Don’t skip your side hustle schedule just because you aren’t in the mood for it. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. It’s important to set a practical schedule. Set small, reasonable goals so that you feel productive and motivated. 

    3. Be a part of an entrepreneurs community – This could be a facebook group or an online forum where individuals like you wanting to be entrepreneurs while holding a job discuss resources and tips to grow. This is a great way to help keep yourself accountable while also building your network and connections.

    4. Don’t compromise on quality – Outsource and hire when you need help. Investing in a good team,can really boost your performance. Not only will your business look more professional but you will also have more time to manage all your work load.

    Ensure you have a sustainable flow of customers before quitting your day job. People often get carried away with the excitement of starting a business but forget that it takes time and effort for it to return profits. Don’t quit your day job until you have financially padded yourself, for both personal and business use. Plan for at least 6 months to a year in savings to help you survive the loss of earnings.

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  • 4 essentials to get you back on track after a work burnout


    By Anusha Bapat

    The overwhelming feeling of drowning in work isn’t very pleasant. Work burnout is a form of stress that leaves you physically and emotionally tired and unmotivated.

    The common causes of this are heavy workload, long working hours and unclear expectations that leave you feeling unaccomplished. 

    1.Seek support. Look for employee support programs at your workplace. Asking for different responsibilities can break you from feeling bored and tired of repetitive work. Share your thoughts and concerns with the people who genuinely care for you. 

    2. Join a yoga or meditation class. Meditation and light exercise has been clinically proven to help with stress and anxiety. You may not get results right away but in the long run it is greatly beneficial to your body, mind and soul. It will stop you from depending on caffeine and alcohol too. Make time for meaningful things outside of work like spending time with your friends and journaling. Practicing affirmations and positive thinking help prevent lack of enthusiasm.

    3. Ponder on the reasons you feel unsatisfied and discouraged at work. Address the root causes. Remind yourself of what you did differently when you actually loved the job. Some questions to ask yourself are: ‘What is causing the burnout- is it the work or people around me?’, ‘What can I do to stop feeling this way?’, ‘Am I only tired of this particular project or is it my role as a whole?’ 

    4. Take some time off. Use this time to think about the future and whether your current job is accelerating you towards it. Taking a vacation can recharge you and improve your attitude towards work. If you dread work to a point where it takes away your sleep and happiness then it is a sign to recourse your life. Talking to a therapist or finding a new job can help solve your distress. 

    Work burnout is a very common drawback in every professional’s life. Often it could be a result of a particular project. Although if it causes long term stress and adversely affects your physical and mental health,it may be a good idea to get professional help.

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  • Why networking is important for your career


    By Bhumika Ramesh


    Your Networth is your Network. Are you networking enough?

    We all might have heard that networking is an essential task. It is – for many reasons, such as to keep up with connections. The right people can lead you to the right places.

    It is one of the most important assets in your business. Apps and websites such as LinkedIn and Clubhouse make the process of building an expansive network much easier. In this article, we’ll be looking at some of the various benefits networking can provide to an individual.

    1. A channel of knowledge

    A great advantage of having a big network is that you regularly get to meet new people and transcend the boundaries of having to work in the same environment every day. The more people you meet from different backgrounds and paths, the more you learn about trends in the market and gain plenty of substance to work with as you actively engage with these connections.

    2. It can help you go a step further

    Many jobs are hardly advertised and this proves to be a hurdle for the common person. Having a large network can get you in through some of those doors, as opportunities usually travel by word-of-mouth.

    Such a network can also help you acquire a promotion by recommendations. 

    3. You acquire self-confidence

    The more people you create connections with, the more frequently you step out of your comfort zone and in this process, you definitely improve your communication and social skills –  this adds to your self-confidence and influences all the other spheres of your life. By venturing to keep trying out new things and meeting new people. You constantly improve your skillset.

    4. It builds relationships

    The most important part of networking is building those deep connections and constantly investing in them over time. This results in presenting many deep conversations, changing perceptions and giving advice among other factors. Having an invested relationship is never a waste of time – there is always a silver lining.

    5. It helps you to better your pitch

    With the number of people you meet growing higher, your preciseness to pitch what you do in a very short period of time improves exponentially. Often known as an elevator pitch, your intro of who you are, is a great conversation starter you attend networking events or other conferences. Using an effective pitch has a lasting effect on the conversations you have a role in.

    Building networks can assist your journey in plenty of ways and some of the relationships you build last for a lifetime. A wonderful part of the experiences you undergo is probably due to the opportunities provided by your network. It’s never too late to start investing time to develop your networking skills and get a headstart!

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  • 5 ways to deal with criticism

    dealing with criticism

    By Anusha Bapat

    A tough but essential part of everyone’s career is receiving feedback. It can be difficult to hear that you haven’t succeeded at a task especially if you have put a lot of effort into it.

    However it’s important to realize that sometimes criticism is delivered not to attack you but to help you improve. It’s perfectly normal for negative feedback to bother you but it will keep coming and you need to learn to come to terms with it. 

    Here are 5 ways to deal with criticism:

    1.Listen to what the person is trying to convey – We are quick to cut them off and defend ourselves. Remain calm and avoid getting aggressive. Evaluate the person’s intentions honestly and then politely offer your side of the story. It is important to be respectful at all times or you might end up saying something you will regret later.

    2. Avoid taking it personally – The majority of the time, they’re criticizing your work, not how you are as a person. One comment does not mean they dislike you. Thank the person for giving you feedback to improve and tell them you will work on it even if it hurt you on the inside. 

    3. Take constructive criticism as an opportunity to learn – This is a cliche but no one is perfect. You have to keep improving in life. Acknowledge the criticism and decide whether it is constructive without a bias. For all you know, your work might instantly ameliorate after taking their suggestion. 

    4. Allow yourself to feel disappointment and anger – Give yourself a break and try self-care techniques like journaling. If it bothers you too much, go to someone you trust and vent about it. Don’t allow criticism to affect your self-confidence. Remind yourself of all that you have achieved and that one setback does not mean you’re incompetent. 

    5. Schedule a follow-up a week or two after you’ve received criticism – This can give you a chance to show that you have made an attempt to improve and inquire whether you need to change anything else.

    At the end of the day, criticism is inevitable. You will receive it in some form nor the other. You need to distinguish between the constructive and destructive, take it with a grain of salt and focus on improving.

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  • Questions to ask before investing in stocks

    questions to ask before investing

    By Bhumika Ramesh

    As the lockdown set in, a lot of people turned to online stock trading, investments and markets – evident of the fuel social media has given it. As access to buying and selling stocks becomes relatively easier – society has paved a simpler way to invest in them.

    Nevertheless, before doing so, you can ask yourself a few questions to determine your stance in the process of entering the market.

    1.Am I in a position to invest?

    Before taking a step further, take a look at where you stand in terms of your budget. Take care of your debt (if any) and emergency funds. Work your way towards eliminating any pending credit and personal loans. Start focusing on building an investment-oriented strategy with your personal finances.

    2. Is it a good time to invest?

    Apart from taking a bet even when the economy seems low, it’s the for the best if you consider the present scenario before investing – although no guarantee can be made. The stock market is not necessarily unpredictable, but they do take turns for the worse at times. Do your research before jumping in.

    3. Do I understand the basics of investing and the stock markets?

    It’s important to understand the jargon and terminology you will be dealing with before you enter the field. You don’t have to be a pro, but having the basics on hand is beneficial. You can then take decisions with more understanding. And you don’t have to rush to google new terms every time they appear.

    4. How much of a risk can I take?

    A simple way to approach this is to understand as to what amount of money would you be comfortable in losing – stock markets are always in ups and downs. With the influx of several new companies and the ever-fluctuating cryptocurrency rates, it’s easy to be pulled into the charm of it all. Experiment cautiously and take your first few investments to secure industries.

    5. Do you know what to invest in?

    The market is vast, no doubt about it. You need to be familiar with the accounts you use and the funds you would invest in. Not everyone is an expert, but you need to have these fundamentals down before you go through the step of trading, buying or investing in stocks. If you want to take it solo, research along with a few trials and errors will be the course. Working with financial advisors is also good enough – they understand where you’re coming from, what your interests are and can help explain the market.

    6. Why do I want to invest?

    Instead of jumping on the bandwagon like everyone else due to FOMO, ponder over why you actually want to invest in stocks. It might come down to thoughts such as retirement savings or to generate passive income among others. Knowing the reason why helps you to stay on track with your strategy. As change is inevitable, be open to these goals changing as you navigate your way through the stock market. 

    While beginning to invest, take it slow. Rome was not built in a day. There will be various questions that pop in your head when you venture out into the financial and economic world. With the answers you find, you get more involved. Investing takes time and research. We hope article helps you get started.

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  • 5 things to keep in mind while choosing a mentor

    Mentoring is a great way to create support for you while scaling in your career or business

    “A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.” 

    – Bob Proctor

    Oprah Winfrey once said, “Surround yourself only with people who will lift you higher”. 

    When it comes to building a strong, successful business, brand, career or life, you need to have a mentor in order to push yourself to achieve all those big, hairy, audacious goals you set for yourself. No matter your industry or niche, finding a great mentor can really help leverage your experience to build your business and your personal brand. Good mentors inspire you, stretch you and open up your mind. They give you a safe place to experiment, ask questions and save you time by helping you find the pathway you need quickly. They give you the confidence and assurance you need to know that you’re going the right way. In fact, 87% of mentees found that they feel empowered by their mentoring relationship. Good mentors save us mistakes and open us up to their networks. 

    So how do we find the right mentor?

    1) Know your goals. Be clear about what you’re trying to achieve in the next 12 months. 90 days is too short for a strong mentor relationship and five years is too long. Focus on what you want by the end of the year. 

    2) Look for a person who has achieved your goal. Ask your friends, colleagues, Facebook mates, LinkedIn connections or even Google it or tweet it. Industry bodies can also be a good place to start. 

    3) Ask if they mentor people. Sometimes you may want someone to be your mentor but they may not be into mentoring at all. They might not have the time or bandwidth to do that. Reach out to them and ask them if they want to mentor you. Once you’ve found the right person, you may have to pay them for their time. This is an investment in your future. A coffee or buying lunch for them is not going to cut it always. Alternatively, you can offer to do something for them, like helping them on a project. 

    4) Be respectful of the value they bring. It has taken them years to work out what you want to learn in an hour. Listen to them, pay attention and then go in with the questions.

    5) Rapport is key. Make sure you like and trust them. You may start the mentoring relationship but then find that your energies don’t match. Make sure you like and trust them before you begin this engagement. They don’t have to be your best friend, but you need to be comfortable enough to have open conversations. You can have different mentors, to guide you in different areas of expertise and different skill sets.

    Every mentor-mentee journey is unique. A good mentor can help bring you out of your shell and help you get closer to the goal you are chasing.

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  • 16 Female Entrepreneurs share their favorite quotes

    favorite quotes

    We asked some of the coolest women in Business we know to share their favorite quotes, that inspire and motivate them.

    Here they are:

    1. Gina Longo: Leadership Consultant and human factors trainer and Business owner @ Gina Longo Consulting.

     Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.”  

     ~ Jim Valvano

    I love this quote because it’s all too easy to start something with enthusiasm then let it go once the going gets tough. This reminds me never to give up, no matter what.

    2. Medha Jalan: Architect and founder of My FUNiture story, a children’s furniture design studio.

    “To keep a lamp burning, we need to keep putting oil into it.”

    This quote is a constant reminder to be consistent and regular with an effort to be able to achieve consistency in positive results!

    3. Rashmi Nagaraju : Founder, Angadi of Spices, a retail spices brand.

    “Done is better than perfect!”

    If we keep waiting for circumstances to get better and everything to fall in place, we will still be at the same place we started. Doing always gives you more confidence. It gets you out of the fear zone and gives you a head start towards your goal. There will always be new things to learn and perfect while you are celebrating the little successes of meeting the smaller goals.

    4. Pavani KN : Emotional Wellness Coach, Business Owner of Life Craft Success Hub.

    ” Passion is at the heart of human excellence”

    The best example is Steve Jobs. He always set his benchmarks and excelled. No challenges stopped him, he was always from within.

    5.Sanjhna Nayarr : A psychic medium, rune and tarot counsellor, energy healer, tasseographer, graphologist, aromatherapist, classical danseuse, yogic diet consultant, podcaster and author of the book – “Because I Am SAVAGE LEMONADE“-An Army Wife’s Spiritual Journey. Recipient of Spectrum Budding Writers Award (June 2021). She’s also the founder of Safroneya.

    “I am.”

    Union with oneself should be the prerequisite to recognizing and realizing dreams. So I say this affirmation every day and dare to dream big and stay grounded!

    6. Nisha Chamria : Co- Founder of @cubeactivitycentre in Kolkata and @c.u.b.e.moms (mom influencer on Instagram.)

    Jodi tor daak shune keu na aashe tobe ekla cholo re.
    Ekla cholo ekla cholo ekla cholo ekla cholo re.” 

    It’s a song by Rabindranath Tagore.

    Simply translated as ” If no one wants to walk with you on your path then walk alone. if you think you are on the right path, then keep walking on it even if no one else joins you.” This has always been my guiding line.

    7. Lakshmipraba U S : Founder at Prithvimitra Innovations (OPC) Private Limited

    “Change Begins with me.”

     This is a beautiful realization and a reminder that keeps me going of how me being a seed of change creates a sea of change on everything around me. I am experiencing this in my professional and personal life. This beautiful bloom in my inward journey radiates outwards to inspire and motivate many, as my passion has turned into a purpose that touches many souls. I am so happy to reflect on my journey from a homemaker to a CEO. 

    8. Rituparna De : Founder of VibrantHues.

    “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your inner voice. And most importantly, dare to follow your heart and intuition.”

    This quote is a constant reminder to follow my inner voice and turn a deaf ear to the constant reminder of the perks of a senior position in the Corporate which I just left a few months back.

    9. Manasa Nadig : A US-based Tax Consultant & Founder of MN Tax & Business Services PLLS.

    “Follow your heart, but take your brain with you”.

    I see this quote and think about how any dream with a heart – to be a success and not remain a dream needs a structure, a path and planning to take it up to the next level. This is where the brain comes in.

    10. Mitcch Duddani : Business owner at Socialli.

     “Entrepreneurs don’t retire they die.”

    VG Siddhartha has said this multiple times in his interview, which has helped inspire and motivate me. by his thoughts and passion – as an entrepreneur, we have so much to do and many dreams to achieve!

    11. Priyanka Changia : Co- founder, HEN

    “Power Of One.”

    One step towards your goal or one action towards becoming a better version of yourself than yesterday –  The power is in coming together as one to realize our dreams. One thought, one step can take us higher!

    12. Bhavana Shah : Founder at Earthy Hues Tours Pvt Ltd 

     “I never lose, I either win or learn.”

    It helps you to keep your spirits high and not to get disheartened by tough times. There is always a lesson in every failure which ultimately leads you to success.

    13. Ruche Mittal : Founder – HEN

    “Believe it to achieve it.”

    If I as an entrepreneur don’t believe in my dream and our goal, no one will.

    14. Aanchal Kejriwal : Founder of Arrange It All.

    “Believe in yourself and don’t be scared to try.”

    15. Sonali Dasgupta : Founder of STEMonsters.

    Entrepreneurship is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the joy ride.”

    If I don’t enjoy what I do, I cannot persevere. And perseverance is the key to becoming a successful entrepreneur.

    16. Ami Shah : Founder of Marketing Hues.

    “Don’t give up, don’t take anything personally, and don’t take no for an answer.”
    – Sophia Amoruso

    Every entrepreneur should apply this quote. Because it helps when people hate you and/or your ideas for no reason at all, but you shouldn’t take any of it personally.

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  • Meet our fave girlboss: Ramya Setty

    1. Share with us achievements from your Life and business that you are  most proud of. 

    Starting Just A Thought (JAT) itself is my biggest achievement. Having worked in  a corporate set-up, leaving the security of a ‘job’ to venture on my own was  something I thought I would not be able to sustain. But today after 5 years, I  know that it was a risk that was worth taking. And I’m happy to see it take shape the way it should be. So yes, JAT is my biggest achievement. To top it, the awards  that have recognized my company and me are proof of my commitment to my  work and they too are an achievement for me.  


    1) “India 5000 – Women Achiever Awards 2021” – for her exceptional contribution  and work in the realm of social and corporate impact by India 5000 

    2) A. Great Companies SME Business Award Winners 2021 – Just A Thought B. “SME Business of the Year Award Winner 2021” – Just A Thought  Personalised Page link 

    3) “Best Content Marketing Agency 2020-India” by the Technology Innovator  Awards 2020 hosted by Corporate Vision Magazine 

    2. Your favourite quote or mantra 

    My success mantra, “simplicity is key to success”. I believe in robust communication  with all persons involved in a project, transparent dealings and being open. This  mantra I intend to use this along my journey to build an empire out of JAT”. 

    Entrepreneurship is a journey of discovering oneself – this too has been a  motivation and a learning curve. Entrepreneurship lets you grow, shed the  unwanted ego (in most cases & ideally), learn a TON and you end up being wiser  than ever before! This is a special journey to your success, the one that gives you  the best sleep in the nights and the best foot forward each morning!  

    3. People that inspire you the most 

    My family, friends, my team, my mentors, every entrepreneur, and all I’ve known  & know. There’s always something to learn from & be inspired by from every  person you meet. Good / bad, any experience with any person teaches & helps  you learn and inspires you to do better every single day!

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  • Effective ways to deal with online trolling

    dealing with online trolling

    By Anusha Bapat

    When you put yourself out on the internet, you will be susceptible to a whole spectrum of criticism. Along with the positivity that encouraging messages bring, you will have to battle the negativity that comes with the naysayers. Trolling can damage your self-esteem if not dealt with the right way. 

    Here are three tips to combat online negativity-

    Don’t bother responding: 

    The first thing to remember is that internet trolls do nothing but hide behind fake accounts on their computers and go out of their way to cause misery to people enjoying their life. They want to bring down people who are successful and happy because they aren’t. They are projecting their insecurities on people who are doing better than them. You must be doing something right to get a reaction from them.Trolls exhibit a psychological trait known as ‘negative social potency’. They thrive on hurting others and receiving attention from other trolls.Trolls get pleasure by upsetting a person, so responding only proves it’s affecting you and encourages them to continue.

    Let the social media app deal with the problem: 

    Block and report the troll and ask your friends to do the same. All social media apps have guidelines against harassment. Let them do the job of removing the troll from the platform for good. A lot of trolls go to the extent of creating new accounts. Instagram has introduced a new feature that allows you to block all current and new accounts a person makes. Using the ignore feature or comment moderator hides all comments/ certain words and messages from trolls. 

    If the trolling is causing you too much frustration and anxiety, it’s a good idea to take a break from the toxicity. Keep social media usage to the minimum if you can’t take a complete break from it. You can’t control the things trolls say but you can control the time and attention you give them. 

    File a police report if things get serious:

    If a troll threatens you by revealing private information or starts sending you death threats, call the police. Make sure you screenshot or screen record the evidence of them harassing you so that you can take proper legal action. Identify your closest cyber cell and lodge a complaint. You can file an FIR at a police station if you can’t locate a cyber cell. Your online safety is important and you should be aware of your rights. 

    At the end of the day, it’s essential to realize that receiving hate is a given when you use social media. Try taking the criticism with a grain of salt and ignore the mindless hate. The trolls most likely don’t even know you personally and will get bored when they realize you’re unbothered by the hate. 

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