
  • Why is having good head shots is important?

    head shots

    By Athena Joseph

    A head shot is a tightly cropped portrait of someone, where the focus is on the head and shoulders. Head shots are slightly different from portrait photography.

    Head shots are used by businesses to showcase executives and employees on their website.They effectively tell your story, reflect your brand and build trust with your audience. It displays your first point of contact, it’s your first impression, it’s your business, it’s your brand.

    A simple head shot plays all these roles and now we know why having good head shots is important for your business. Let’s see a few striking importance of having good head shots:-

    1. First impression is the best impression

    First impressions are critical. They can make or break a business. And ensuring you make a great digital first impression (i.e through social media, emails, websites) is crucial. This is the reason why having a good head shot is important when someone visits your networking sites.

    1. Portrays yourself to your name 

    Self images are the roots to positive psychology and has its own place and its own importance. You become recognizable and familiar through your head shots. When people from around the world view you as a person, as a figure, then you’re valued more and hence makes others feel comfortable when they are physically around you. 

    1. Customers feel to know more about you

    When your social media viewers view your profile, they tend to search for a glimpse of yourself. And this is where the role of having good head shots comes into play. When they know how you look it adds to an extra point on the impressions they make.

    1. Makes your website look more professional

    The more consistent images your website has, the more professional it looks to your audience. Adding to this, one excellent head shot of yourself set on all your social media sites makes it clear to your audience that you are a professional. 

    1. Builds trust, confidence and connection

    By being visible to your audience and clients, they find it easier to build trust and the easier it is to communicate and connect with you. Good head shots allow your audience to have a better understanding of you and allows them to look at your product or services. This makes marketing much easier.

    So, finally tell us if you have good head shots on your social profiles? Leave us a comment below.

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  • 5 Lessons to learn from Warren Buffet

    warren buffett

    By Athena Joseph

    The success of Warren Buffett, an 84-year-old self-made multi-billionaire, can be attributed entirely to his smart and unorthodox investment strategies. With an estimated net worth of $72 Billion, Warren Buffett is one of the most successful, wealthiest businessmen and investors of all time. His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns and operates some of the largest corporations in the world, including Helzberg Diamonds, FlightSafety International, and NetJets.

    The Berkshire Hathaway CEO, famous for his long-term investing strategy and assessments on market risk, has a lot to teach about money. He is noted for his adherence to value investing, and his personal frugality despite his immense wealth. Despite all his success, Warren Buffett still manages to remain humble and approachable.

    Here are 5 Key lessons from Warren Buffett:

    1. Need for a strategy

    For more than 50 years, Buffet has always had a strategy for his investment. His strategy is based on the need to buy companies that are well managed and at a cheap price. He says that it is good you start early, make all the mistakes early and correct yourself early. Tomorrow is not the best time, Now is.

    1. Do work that you love

    Warren once said,“In the world of business, the people who are most successful are those who are doing what they love”. Success comes when you do what you love. Looking back at your life when it’s all said and done, will you tell yourself with great pride that you made the right career decision? Doing what you love is a major reason for your long-term happiness. And knowing what you love should be your first step toward self-discovery.

    1. Thrive to be different

    “Be a sunflower in a field of roses”. Always try out your own method/idea of doing things. Do not always imitate others. Do not make business decisions based on what every other person is saying or doing. 

    1. Understand the risk coming forward

    Calculating risk is an integral part of the investment process. He said,”we don’t have any formula that evaluates risk, but we certainly make our own calculation of risk versus reward in every transaction we do. And sometimes we’re wrong, and we’re going to be wrong sometimes in the future. You can’t make a lot of decisions in this business without being wrong”.

    1. Save first, spend second

    “Save first and then spend what’s left on your bills. If you’ve calculated correctly in terms of how much income and expenses you have and the amount you should be able to save, things will work out”. Don’t save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving. Every time you spend money on something that doesn’t give you a return, you’re sacrificing your tomorrow.

    What’s your favorite takeaway from this post? Let me know in the comments below.

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  • Why having a podcast is good for your business

    success with savitha

    By Sowmya Narasimhan

    Learning through listening is far better than learning by reading. It’s just not my opinion it’s a fact. Research states that regular listening increases reading accuracy by 52% and also expand vocabulary improving fluency. So the best way to put across your thoughts would be by starting your podcast.

    A podcast is an episodic series of digital audio files that a user can download to a personal device for easy listening. It’s an effective method of communication that can help you build your ongoing relationships with your audience and community.

    Having your podcast can have several benefits that can serve your business. 

    I’ve listed a few below:

    Personalized platform

    You would be directly talking to your customers and there will be an active engagement from the listeners. Moreover, it’s a much more devoted way of providing information than sending it in word form.

    Easy to use

    The biggest advantage of digital platforms is that they are portable. This allows your clients to listen to your podcast from anywhere in the world on any device. Since the podcast is a digital platform it has a reduced cost of publishing. They are also easy to edit and update. You can also use this to grow your credibility and authority with your friends and colleagues.

    Promotion of your podcasts      

    Once someone subscribes to your podcast they will be notified about any new podcast you share. This way they can always listen to your podcast without missing any of it. It’s easy to share your links and advertise your podcasts.


    “A stitch in time saves nine”

    Podcasts do not require a lot of effort to listen to. You can listen to podcasts and simultaneously indulge in other tasks. It’s also very easy to create a podcast. This saves time and also helps you to be productive. 

    Your podcast subscribers are the core of your community and over time, they will be your best prospects for deepening the relationship through cross-selling and loyalty tactics. Well, it’s always better to deliver your content through a podcast rather than writing it on an e-mail or document. So what are you waiting for?

    Get started with your own podcast soon and also don’t forget to check out mine below!

    Link: Podcast – Success With Savitha

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