Month: May 2022

  • Why should you design your life?


    By Bhumika Ramesh

    When you design your life, you control most of its aspects. You are the architect, designing the blueprint and how to lay the tiles on the paths you’re gonna walk on. Society deems that we find our one true calling when we’re young and tell us to stick with that for the rest of our lives. It need not be so. As you’re in the process of discovering new passions and scratching the surface of various fields, you might find something which perfectly fits like a puzzle piece. When you take control of paving the way forward, you construct a satisfied and happy lifestyle. The points highlighted in this article can help you make your decision.


    Getting Clear

    When you begin to lay out the foundation, get clear on what you need and what you don’t. Creating a life that follows your dreams and ambitions requires removing unnecessary relationships and objects. You are the core of the skyscraper you’re constructing. Never lose focus of that. Keep your desires and passions in mind as you de-clutter.

    Gravity Problems

    This refers to problems you can’t do anything about – they just exist, just like gravity. Reframing is important here – seeing it as a circumstance and not a problem does simplify your course of action. Focus on the parts where action matters. For example, consider an individual who seems to always go down the path of belittling themselves. Instead of seeing the person as the problem, try to find out the causes and situations which contribute to it. Gravity problems, therefore, revolve around action-focused events and not core-focused events.

    Start Now

    The old notion of sticking with your career, no matter what happens, is fading. It’s better to start now and embark on the journey – as the old Japanese proverb goes, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” Don’t believe in ‘should’s’ and ‘must’s’. Believe in ‘can’. 

    There is No One ‘Best’ Version of Yourself

    Multiple versions of you can exist and all of them lead to great destinations. You don’t need to sit down and execute plans to make the current version of yourself the best. Research other alternatives and compare them with your long-term goals. Oprah Winfrey today is drastically different from the person she was in her 30s. Design for what’s next in your life, not the entirety of it. 

    Don’t Leap. Jump with a Parachute.

    Test the path you choose before you commit to it. Assuming you would enjoy it is the wrong mindset to employ. Research for a few weeks, talk to people who know the field inside out and discover opportunities for experience before you leap. Fail fast and fail forward is a great strategy.

    We have the potential to create great things. And I believe your life can be included in that list. Start sketching out your blueprint today.

    To know more about this process, look up the ‘Designing your Work Life’ book here.

    To invest more into your brand design, click here.

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  • Reset Your Routine


    By Bhumika Ramesh


    Resets in life are important – they help you to pause before moving forward and aid in evaluating your future paths and steps. Doing so requires consistency, hard work and a refreshed mindset. Reset as a word was derived from the world of technology – such as rebooting a computer or starting afresh on a new set of codes. Applying this concept to the breaks we create in our life can help us turn over a new leaf or just produce an efficient habit. Let’s take a look at the various ways a reset can help and why it might be the next thing you need:

    Evaluate and get rid of the things that are holding you back

    Change is the one impermanent concept. Growing and making it through different phases in life requires you to assess and remove things that aren’t required. They might create a load of worries as well. A tip from one of Marie Kondo’s videos (the queen of organization) – be grateful for the things you had. They served you well and doing so can leave you feeling light. Uncluttered surroundings are the best background for a new start.

    Zero-based Thinking

    Emotions from past events and objects can hold you back from progress. A zero-based thinking strategy you can apply to help you release it healthily can start with questioning. Ask yourself  – if you could start over 20 years ago with your present knowledge, what are the things you would still make a place for? Question the purpose of things that do not find a place in your answer. Once you hone this method, apply it to every sphere – work, relationships, habits or routines

    Envision the future

    Focusing on the next phase after the reset helps you get your goals in place. Creating a vision board is an excellent idea to put down all your ideas in one place and focus. Put down anything you want to achieve – don’t be afraid to be bold or ambitious. It is your life and you are the driver of the vehicle. From personal goals to elevate your everyday living to investment plans – your vision board reflects your mindset. 

    Resetting the body

    Biological processes need to be in shape to make use of your complete potential. Setting up an exercise routine is a great way to start. Intensive workouts aren’t necessary. A bit of light yoga, with your favourite sport, is good enough. In addition, nutrition is essential. Pack in cheat days, along with your balanced diet. And lastly, but the most important – sleep. We all take it for granted most of the time, but sleep is essential for your brain to repair itself as well as your body. Giving yourself that 6-8 hours gets you ready to face the day. 

    In the end, the choice of resetting lies in your hands. The element of resetting cropped up when individuals felt listless and annoyed with the way their life was looking at the present moment. Changing that requires perseverance. These tips aid you if you do plan to take the step forward.

    To find out if you need a reset, click here.

    To reinvent your evening routine, read this.

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