Month: April 2022

  • Why and how to delegate?


    By Vaishnavi Kumar

    “You can do anything, but not everything”

    – David Allen 


    It is well known to us that no matter the amount of work we put in, we do need support and help at a point. Being efficient is a great skill, but dividing the workload is an art that only a few can master. Sharing your work does not signify that you’re incapable of achieving something on your own. Instead, delegating will help you attain things that you could have never achieved alone. 

    Why is delegating important?

    Delegating refers to entrusting your work and sharing your burden with others. As said by Harvey Mackay, “Delegating doesn’t mean passing off work you don’t enjoy but letting your employees stretch their skills and judgement.” Some people believe delegating doesn’t help. They think it increases one’s responsibility and stress.

    Let us look at a few points which will help us understand the importance of delegation:

    • Delegating improves the various abilities of your team members. When you assign tasks to your employees, they will explore new ways to accomplish them. This will help them maximise their knowledge as well. A sense of confidence is instilled in them. This enhances their commitment towards work and the company. Cooperation is an important skill that all workers should master. 

    • Delegating saves time and unnecessary effort. It might take you 10 hours to complete a certain task. When you pass on the work to your employees it might merely take 3 hours, if they work collectively. Working with others reduces efforts and increases results. 

    • Delegating helps reduce stress. People trying to fulfil all their work by themselves will experience severe burnout. Not eating meals on time, messed-up sleep schedules, excessive stress and anxiety will be a part of your life if you don’t learn to delegate. Ultimately, you will reach a stage where you can no longer function properly and all the hard work will count for nothing. 

    How to delegate?

    • Begin with choosing the right employees– Delegating becomes easier and more beneficial when you have the right workers under you. Employees with the appropriate skills and abilities are all you need. Be wise and choose the right people for the given task. If it’s a task where you need good communication skills, choose employees who are soft-spoken yet witty.

    • Delegate authority along with work– It is a proven fact that people work more efficiently when they have the authority. The sense of power makes them want to do more and better. Empower them and you’ll see your work happening at an unexpected pace. Craig Groeschel says, “If you delegate tasks you create followers. If you delegate authority you create leaders”.

    • Provide employees with proper knowledge and resources One of the most important steps in the process of delegating is to provide necessary training and resources to employees. Everyone working at your firm should be appropriately skilled. They must have ample knowledge about the mindset required to work efficiently.

    • Show your gratitude– Lastly, always be grateful. Appreciating and recognising their work and rewarding them with incentives will boost their productivity. These little things may not seem like a lot, but they influence the ones receiving them. 

    For more tips on Delegation see this post by BetterUp

    See our post on Productivity here

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  • Why it is important to ask for support?

    asking for support

    By Vaishnavi Kumar

    Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you

    – Misty Copeland

    Asking for support in the past has been generally seen as a sign of people who are weak, dependent, and uncertain about what to do. It is assumed that they aren’t smart or brave enough to get things done. People are told to be independent, strong, and firm with the decisions they make from the beginning. Most of them misinterpret this advice as to not seek support and to accomplish everything on their own. 

    In reality, that’s not the case. Seeking support or help when you need it should have no shame attached to it. It gives a sense of confidence to the person seeking it. The person providing it feels better that they could help. People don’t become a burden when they ask for help. Everybody needs help, guidance and more at a point in their life and it’s absolutely fine to ask for it. Instead of struggling alone, reach out to someone and share your problems. 

    Important reasons to ask for support:

    The first reason is that you don’t have to go through everything alone. Having friends and family isn’t just for the sake of enjoying. Reach out to them, be open with the fact that you need support and you’ll instantly feel much better. Your bond with the person also tends to become stronger when you show your confidence in them. 

    Secondly, when you approach someone for help, you allow the other person to showcase their abilities and talents. Everyone is different and has a unique way of tackling problems. You learn about the various ways in which a particular thing can be solved and the other person gets to hone their skills as well.

    Thirdly, it improves your social skills. Seeking support is one of the hardest things that people can do. If you do develop this skill and have no regrets or hesitation while asking for support, you have taken your social skills further.

    Lastly, when you ask for support, you are breaking the stereotype and encouraging more people to seek help when they need it. You are making a statement that it is okay to be flawed. We are there for each other to make things easier and better. 

    Things to remember while seeking support

    • Always be polite – You are the one in need of support, so be kind and gentle.
    • Be frank – Don’t go beating around the bush. Have confidence and get to the point.
    • Ask for it only when in need – Don’t be lazy and rely on others for minute problems as well. Seek support only when you need it. 
    • Be truthful- Never lie about a situation when seeking help. Let the other person know the entire story. 
    • Don’t force – Let people decide whether they want to provide support. Don’t pressurise them to do so. 

    We hope after reading this, you will be a little less hesitant and more open to asking when you need it.

    For more on this topic see here

    See this post on asking for support when getting back on track from work related burn out.

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  • 4 ways to support a small business

    small business

    By Vaishnavi Kumar

    Small Businesses are here to stay. Due to the ongoing pandemic, small businesses have emerged into the spotlight. People have started operating businesses on a small scale. Survival has become difficult as situations are uncertain. One moment everything seems to be falling in place and seconds later, a new variant of the coronavirus has entered the market. Nobody has a secured and fixed salary in today’s times – from people earning daily to even those with a high-level job. You never know whose job can be lost. Even well-settled businesses are at a risk.

    In such a situation, small businesses find it hard to survive. Since it’s a new venture, people are suspicious about the quality and service and we don’t blame the consumers for that. It is a natural human tendency to continue doing things one is familiar with instead of trying out new things. The same applies when we shop or seek services. We tend to rely on our go-to brands instead of small businesses. 

    Most of the time, small businesses do have a better or equivalent quality when compared to branded products. We won’t know until we give it a try. Explore new options, try them out, and decide for yourself.


    Here are 4 ways you can support a small business: 

    Shop local as much as possible – The first step to support small businesses is to start shopping locally. Many street vendors and people run businesses from their homes. Instead of ordering things online or travelling long distances to buy products, buy them from local vendors. This way you can save up and encourage small enterprises. 

    Recommend – When you are satisfied and happy with the services of a small business, make it a point to recommend them to your friends and family. If they are on social media, give them a shoutout with a positive and attractive review. It might take you only a few minutes to do this but for them, you provide engagement.

    Don’t ask for discounts When you shop with local vendors, do not ask for discounts. We don’t ask for discounts at malls. Bargaining comes to us naturally, but try not to do it when you shop from a small business. They do keep a low margin as compared to other big brands. Therefore, pay the amount they quote and support their business. 

    Be a helping hand – Help small businesses in various ways. You may have tips to improve their business, do share with them. If they are inexperienced and require assistance such as making use of technology, then lend your support. Explore if they need resources or it may be something as simple as not having an appropriate place to showcase their products/services and you have it, provide them with the space.

    A famous quote says, “When you support a small business, you support a dream”. Supporting someone to see them fulfil their dreams is one of the kindest things one can do. You get countless blessings from the people who achieved their dreams because of your little contributions.  

    We hope this encourages you to support small businesses and if you are doing it, we’re proud of you!

    Let us know in the comments below how you support small businesses. 

    Here is a post on more ways to support a small business by Vogue Magazine.

    Want to start your side hustle? Or already have one and want to build on it? See this post here.

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  • 5 ways to embrace uncertainty in your business

    uncertainty in business

    By Vaishnavi Kumar

    If there’s one thing that’s certain in business, it’s uncertainty

    – Stephen Covey

    Uncertainty in Business is a given and can happen anytime. It refers to the unforeseen risks that you might face. A natural disaster might occur or there might be sudden changes in the political, economic, or technological landscape and new competitors might emerge in the market. All these factors add up and it becomes difficult to make sound decisions. Stress often aggravates things for worse. It’s important to maintain your calm and embrace uncertainty in your business with grace. 

    Here are 5 ways to deal with such situations: 

    Be prepared for every possibility– Operating a business has several outcomes, most of which cannot be predicted no matter how efficiently planned. Anything and everything can happen all of a sudden, and you will experience new things which might be difficult for you to cope with if not prepared. Of course, it’s not possible to be effectively-prepared. Having a resilient mindset and a backup plan goes a long way during uncertain times.

    Cling to your uniqueness- Being unique can be demotivating and disappointing in some circumstances. Not everybody is ready to welcome new things. It takes time for people to accept and acknowledge your uniqueness. Have patience, but never lose your distinctiveness. Always remember the famous quote – “Your uniqueness is your magic”.

    Go with the flow– All businesses have their ups and downs. A great day may arrive with huge profits and sales but you might not have even a single customer on other days. It’s alright for that to occur. Take a deep breath and go with the flow. Sit back and assess the situation thoroughly, before you make your next move with a solid action plan. 

    Have a bigger picture and focus on long-term goals– People always crave instant gratification and focus on short-term goals. It is important to understand that in businesses, a bigger picture needs to be created. Short-term goals might give quick results but they won’t last for long. Instead focus on setting long-term goals. The situation might look uncertain, but you can see results if you work consistently. 

    Explore ways to grow business Research is the best way to deal with any situation. Do explore new tricks and tips to grow your business. Keep an eye on your competitors’ moves and about what’s happening around you. Read and gain as much knowledge as possible. This will prepare you to handle uncertainties that come your way. 

    These are some simple tips that might help you embrace uncertainties in businesses in a better manner. Let us know in the comments below how you deal with such situations. 

    This is great article in the Harvard Business Review on strategy for uncertain times.

    Also read our post here on things to know before you start your Business

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  • What is a media kit?

    media kit

    By Vaishnavi Kumar

    What is a media kit?

    A media kit, also known as a press kit. It is a tool that companies use to promote launches or products as well as services. It is a kit that serves as a guide to various journalists to write articles describing the company.  In simple words, it is a set of promotional materials that consists of information about companies.

    These kits help companies to portray themselves in their best form. A media kit can be made available as a downloadable document or it can be a solid kit. In today’s tech-savvy world, companies usually prefer online media kits which reduces the amount of work involved to create them.

    What to include in a media kit?

    • About Us page– The first thing to include in a press kit is the background of the company. People are keen to know about the background before reaching out to a company. Here’s where companies need to introduce themselves, state their goals and display their logo. Showcase what’s unique about your company and why people should choose you. Do not forget to keep it brief and interesting!
    • Contact informationThis is a very crucial component of a media kit. To avoid the tension of the press approaching someone who is not supposed to or not eligible to answer questions related to the company, it is necessary to include contact information. If they require additional information, they can connect using this reference. 
    • Social Media Handles– For clients to follow and know more about your company and your products. Including social media handles is a must. Include the links to all the sites that your company is active on. It might be Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, or any other site for that matter. This will allow people to assess your social media reach.
    • Recent launches– People need to know that your company is continuously making progress and coming up with new and exclusive content. Make sure to always include your recent launches or accomplishments. It might be a launch of a new product or establishing a new company or a new face of your company.
    • Collaborations– Mention your best collaborations. This creates a great impression on those who are thinking or willing to collaborate with your company. This might even attract partnerships that will boost your business. 
    • Achievements- Include information about your wins, best deals cracked, and some famous clients you have worked for. Mention the honours, grants, recognitions, and certificates awarded to your company. This will help in making your media kit impressive. 
    • Testimonials/Ratings– People always check for reviews. From feedback for buying a dress to collaborating with a huge company, reviews play a very important role. That’s why, it’s necessary to include testimonials and ratings from your clients and partnerships. 

    Things to consider whilst building a media kit:

    • The media kit shouldn’t be lengthy 
    • Avoid putting irrelevant information
    • If it’s a downloadable file, make sure the file is not too large 
    • Never lie about your company or work
    • Your press kit should always be up to date 
    • Check for errors or grammatical mistakes

    We hope these little tips will help you build a good media kit. 

    See this link for media kit templates that you can buy to build yours.

    For more on personal branding and visibility read this blog post on our website.

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  • Toxic Productivity – All you need to know

    toxic productivity

    By Vaishnavi Kumar


    toxic productivity

    People who misunderstand toxic productivity with being productive – you are probably reading the right thing for you today.

    What is toxic productivity?

    Toxic productivity is just a fancy term for workaholism. Workaholism means obsessing over work. Working constantly without achieving an output is not productive. Productivity is when you put aside time for a certain job, accomplish it and end your day feeling good about the time put in.

    Toxic productivity is a buzzword lately. Many people are victims, especially due to the pandemic and the resultant lockdown. It is also a side effect of perfectionism.

    In simple words, toxic productivity is an unhealthy tendency to be productive all the time and to not stop even when the job has been completed. 

    How does toxic productivity affect us? 

    When individuals are obsessed with being productive they tend to ignore other important things in life. The constant desire to work and accomplish things steals the happiness from them. Being never satisfied no matter what they achieve and are constantly on the go. They continue to judge themselves based on what they have not done instead of the things they have achieved. And often they tend to push themselves above their threshold and eventually end up in a terrible state of physical and mental health.


    Signs which show you are a victim of toxic productivity:

    • No satisfaction: People who feel dissatisfied often. Working for a short time doesn’t give them satisfaction and relaxing doesn’t give them pleasure. 
    • Isolation: People tend to distance themselves because they see these as distractions that will affect their work. 
    • Guilt: A sense of guilt arises when you do or even think about something other than work.
    • The feeling of failure: When you don’t meet commitments, for whatever reasons, they start considering themselves as a failure who is worthless. 
    • Abnormal fatigue: Toxic productive people suffer from unusual tiredness. Even after a 8-hour sleep, they wake up extremely tired and sick. 

    How to avoid it? 

    • Set up a schedule- Make a schedule for yourself and try to follow it. The schedule must include exercise, tasks at work, and of course leisure time. 
    • Pursuing a hobby– Take your mind off work and start pursuing a hobby. Do what makes you happy and relax for a while. 
    • Spend time with your loved ones– Spending quality with family and friends works like magic. The best way to avoid toxic productivity is by being around people you love.
    • Get Counseling – If things go out of control, and you are not able to handle the situation on your own, seek professional help. 

    Toxic productivity is something that might seem very normal to a lot of people because most of them see this as a sign of ambitious people. The constant anxiety of knowing that if we stop, our competitors might go ahead of us is not healthy and is a major sign of toxic productivity.

    It is important to understand when productivity is turning toxic and affecting your well-being. 

    We like this post on Huffpost on this topic.

    Dealing with burnout already, see this post on self care on our blog.

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