Month: February 2022

  • 10 Must Read Business Books

    business books

    By Vaishnavi Kumar

    Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary

    ~ Jim Rohn

    Every aspiring/budding entrepreneur must read Business books as they provide first hand information from people who tried various hacks and ideas, people who faced challenges same as you might be facing and succeeded with exceptional results. These books also provide motivation and give a whole new perspective to your outlook towards business as well as life!

    Here are our favourite 10 business books

    1. Start With Why – Simon Sineck

    Simon Sineck says, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”. According to him, in order to inspire others, we should convey our why first. Sinek explains how great people inspire others and not manipulate them. This is a book that will definitely be profitable to entrepreneurs.

    2. Psychology of Money – Morgan Housel 

    This book consists of 19 short stories. It takes a tour on the peculiar ways in which people think about money. This book encourages you to make smarter financial decisions and ways of dealing with money. The main highlight of this book is that it makes us understand the difference between being rich and being wealthy. 

    3. Profit First – Mike Michalowicz

    As the name itself suggests, Take your Profit first. This book not only tells us about profit but also makes us aware about the mistakes that entrepreneurs make with money leading to loss. In short it will provide tips to transform your business from a Money draining beast to a Money making machine. This is a book we always come to when we need perspective.

    4. Ikigai – Hector Garcia Francesc Miralles

    Ikigai is a Japanese concept. In Japanese, Iki means ‘life’ and gai means ‘value or worth’. This book describes the art of living. It teaches us to balance our lives and explains that focusing only on one thing might deplete your opportunity of benefiting from other areas. A must read book for a long and happy life.

    business books

    5. Your Next 5 Moves – Patrick Bet-David, Greg Dinkin

    It’s said that you need to have the ability to look 5 moves ahead to become a chess grandmaster. Similarly, to excel in any business you always need to plan a 5 moves ahead if not more. This book mentions the five strategic moves that every entrepreneur should know. 

    6. The One Thing – Gary W.Keller, Jay Papasan

    This book talks about how success will be achieved when we narrow our concentration to that one thing. It also explains the six big lies between entrepreneurs and success. There are a total of 17 chapters in this book. The author talks about the best approach to achieving what we want.

    7. Getting Things Done –David Allen

    In this book David Allen, an American management consultant, shares tips and tricks for stress-free performance. Allen says,“Your ability to generate power is directly proportional to your ability to relax.” This book will help you understand how to excel in your work by not over exhausting yourself.

    8. Essentialism – Greg Mckeown

    If you feel overworked, constantly busy, yet unproductive, then this is definitely the book for you. Essentialism isn’t about getting more done in less time. It’s about getting only the right things done! It’s a whole new way of thinking about your work.

    9. Crushing It – Gary Vee

    This is not a motivational book, however it motivates us better than all the other books. Gary Vee talks about how to live life on your own terms. The book includes useful insights on expanding business through various social media platforms which is very important in today’s technological world where every day new apps are launched. 

    10. Influence – Robert Cialdini

    In this Robert Cialdini’s shares his evidence-based research. He carried out his research over 35 years and a 3 year study on what encourages people to change their behaviour. He explains the reason behind why people say “yes”. It consists of 6 universal principles that will help us become a skilled persuader.

    These are some of our personal recommendations which love, re read and refer to often.

    For more recommendations see this post by Business Insider

    We believe reading is critical to learning and readers are leaders. See our post on High Performance Habits here

    Let us know in the comments below, your favourite business book. 

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  • How to Set Personal Goals?

    personal goals

    By Vaishnavi Kumar

    “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible”

    – Tony Robbins

    Goals are strong desires that a person or a group of people want to achieve within a particular time frame. People are caught up with achieving work goals that they often forget about their personal goals. While work goals are as much a part of personal goals, it is still important to have separate goals. Let’s talk about setting personal goals. 

    Why should you plan your personal goals?

    Personal goals help you balance work and the art of living. It brings meaning to your work goals, it’s your Why for what you do. It’s what will keep you going during tough times. Begin with setting at least 2 long term goals and 2 short term goals each year.

    While we say this, it’s important to set goals that are realistic. Your dream can be going to the moon, but your goal cannot be deciding it today and fulfilling it tomorrow. Such goals only lead to disappointment. Set a realistic goal and achieve it.

    What’s your next move?

    Jot down your goals –  Writing down your goals should be your first step towards achieving them. Make sure to include the reason as well. It not only makes your goals clear but helps you manifest them. Writing down everything distinctly and reading it every day is a must. 

    Take one step at a time – Don’t rush and try to fulfill everything in a hurry. Take baby steps and make it happen. Remember the saying, “Hurry spoils the curry”. If you try to do everything at the same time you may end up not doing anything well. Work towards it slowly but steadily. 

    Give it the required time – Fix a particular time in a day and devote it only to work towards goals. We agree that sometimes it becomes difficult to take out time. Try your best as this is for your own satisfaction and well-being. 

    Plan it – Make a proper plan. Write down your plan of action and things you are going to do to achieve your goals. Don’t go on doing irrelevant things which will lead you to nowhere. Planning is a very important step in setting and achieving goals which one shouldn’t forget.

    Give importance – Just writing won’t make any difference. You need to work towards achieving them. Learn to give importance to yourself and your goals. Follow the above steps with full passion and achieve your goals.

    We hope this post will take you one step closer towards personal goal setting. 

    Here are 10 illustrations of personal goals which might help you to get started:

    1. Journaling everyday
    2. Working out 
    3. Losing/gaining weight 
    4. Traveling 
    5. Giving time to family and friends 
    6. Eating/drinking healthy
    7. Pursuing a hobby/start a new one 
    8. Excelling in your career
    9. Buying car/house 
    10. Gifting the best life to yourself and your family

    Read this post from Author, James Clear on goal setting

    Read our post here on on How to find your purpose?

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  • Break your Limiting Beliefs with these Habits

    limiting beliefs

    By Bhumika Ramesh

    Everyone has limiting beliefs that they may or may not be aware of. The human mind instills a lot of beliefs as we progress through several hurdles and accomplishments in life. These dictate the lens through which we see the world with. Only when we believe we can succeed or acquire what we feel we deserve, confidence rises within ourselves. What’s holding you back? Limiting beliefs. They make it look like the goals we have are impossible to reach, which is not the case.

    In this article, let us go through a few ways we can break through a self- limiting barriers and triumph:

    Minimalism – Having a cluttered mind makes it hard to focus on factors you would brand as crucial. Investing too much in materialistic goods is an example. Pay attention to the reasons why you feel you invest more than expected. This could bring a drastic but excellent change to your environment as well as your mindset.

    Positive Affirmations – Saying a positive affirmation to support yourself several times does bring about a significant change. Instead of trying to craft an affirmation that could appear to be blatantly untrue, use ones that make you feel like putting them into practice would help you reach your goals. Self-esteem is important in the long run.

    limiting beliefs

    Get imaginative – Let your mind wander and come up with several worst-case scenarios. Although anxiety can arise, this exercise lets you see possibilities and can help you become comfortable/prepare for them. This will lead to a confident self overlooking any situation and handling it in the best way. Don’t overlook the potential of imagination. It helps ground you and come to terms with what you’ve imagined. 

    Commit to Lifelong Learning – Consume knowledge that helps you become a better version of yourself. Gather materials that develop your current version, be it a book, journaling or a podcast you found on Spotify. When exposed to different perspectives and ideas, critical thinking comes into play and this can empower you to push past your limiting beliefs. Actively seeking development is the best way to grow. 

    Choose beliefs that make your life worth living. It’s hard to always push away negative thoughts and actions but trying is what matters. Instead of completely omitting, try replacing small habits one by one before attempting to climb the peak. Hope these habits help you in your journey. 

    See this post on Dealing with Mental Blocks

    For more on Limiting beliefs see this post here from Create & Cultivate

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