
  • Why you should pay yourself first?

    pay yourself

    By Bhumika Ramesh

    We all would have come across the phrase – pay yourself first – without ever really grasping its meaning. Plenty of newspapers, magazines and blog outlets mention it as well, but what does paying yourself first really mean? Well, it simply means setting aside part of your income for your savings and for your salary even if its a negligible amount and then spending the amount leftover. It revolves around budgeting and prioritizing purchases.

    Let’s look at a few reasons as to why you should implement it:

    • Paying Yourself – Any Business Owner tends to pay themselves last but just as you would prioritize paying your staff make it a standard practice to pay yourself too, even if its a small token amount. It’s a way for you to not just feel in charge but also feel good about your business. Of course it’s a also reverse budgeting strategy.

    • Funds for a rainy day : Setting aside your income in a savings account when you get your paycheck, ensures that there is enough to rely on during hardships. Doing this also saves time when you do it at the beginning of the month, rather than sitting down on the last weekend and fumbling about with your bank statement. 

    • Assists in Budgeting : When you set aside a portion of your income, you learn to work with what you have left. Prioritizing purchases and implementing a budget for the entire month helps you to utilize the rest of the funds. This also ensures that work with a plan and a budget and prioritise savings, investments and retirement plans. This prioritizes savings, but not at the expense of necessary expenses like housing, utilities and insurance and building your Business.

    • Low maintenance : Paying yourself first doesn’t involve going to the bank or setting up a new account. It is an extremely low-cost method and tolerates not mentioning every detail or making a tally of your purchases. A small piece of paper and a pen ensures you’re ready to go for the entire month.

    • Big picture focus – When you start saving up, you tend to learn to focus on achieving your long term goals. It stops you from splurging on short-term impulses. And instead you learn to use your savings to purchase things you need or value.

    • A sense of reward : At the end of the year, when you sit down and look at your statements, the amount of money you have ended up saving tends to act as a reward for all the hard work you’ve done. This reinforces the habit of saving up and you continue to do so with the anticipation of the reward.

    Our lives revolve around how well we manage our finances and paying yourself first is an excellent manner to start. This strategy can help anyone who’s looking to prioritize how and where they spend: from teenagers to even 80-year-olds. Having control over your funds is how you dictate your future.

    For more on this topic see this article here

    For more posts around Money see our Blog post here

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  • 5 financial habits every girl should follow

    financial habits

    By Vaishnavi Kumar

    What is the 1 thing you need to live, to fulfill all your wishes and desires. Yes, you guessed it right. It’s MONEY. And everybody knows that just merely earning money and spending it is not enough. Saving, making investments, having control over your expenses is what are most important. In short, having good financial habits is very important. Financial independence for every woman is our dream!

    Here are our 5 must have financial habits that every girl should follow:  

    Good habits around Credit Cards: It is always advisable to minimize the use of credit cards as much as possible. While spending we just swipe our card assuming we will clear the amount when the bill comes. But everybody knows that life is unpredictable. We feel that paying just the minimum balance is fine, leading to ending up paying the highest interest rates ever. Use credit cards judiciously, read up on bank rates, pay in full before the due date and learn how to use credit cards to your benefit Vs to the bank’s benefit.

    Emergency fund: Create an emergency fund for unexpected emergencies. Being prepared for all the events, problems, and unexpected surprises in life is smart. When you have a back up plan in place you can navigate unexpected emergencies without having to borrow and without anxiety around money. Of course the hope is that you never have such a circumstance, but incase you do, you have got YOU covered.

    Invest: Don’t just save, but invest. Investing money not only helps to save it but also to double it. This is one of the best habits that everyone should follow. It helps in securing money for the present and the future needs with extra returns. Studies show that women are better investors than men so take up the opportunity! Get learning, take a course, start reading up arm yourself with the right resources and get investing.

    Do not disclose your income to everyone: Not all people are your well wishers. People will find innumerable reasons to save their money and make you spend yours instead. Helping others in their difficult times is a very good deed, but never help people for their selfish motives. Keep your money to yourself and spend it wisely. Less lending more investing. Being cautious if you get hit up frequently to lend a helping hand is wise.

    Passive income: There is no harm in earning extra money by working in your free time or via a side hustle. People often feel embarrassed to take up small jobs except their main work. Setting up other passive income streams is a good plan of action.

    See this Post by Erin Gobler for more Tips around building good financial habits

    Read our posts on Money here

    Let us know in the comments below what are the financial habits that you follow that has helped you grow more.

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  • Simple ways to start saving money today

    By Vaishnavi Kumar

    The importance of saving money was most felt the most during lockdown times. With Businesses shutting down or going bankrupt, it had a huge impact on the employees. They were the most dispensable resource. People had to fall back on savings. People often don’t understand how important it is to save money until there is an adversity.

    As said by Warren Buffett, “Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving”

    So with that understanding out of the way. Let’s talk about some simple ways to start saving today.

    Here are some strategies which might help you start saving money

    1.The first step is to start by setting a fixed amount separate on the day you receive your salary/payments. If you are an entrepreneur, make it a point to save a particular amount from your earnings. It is not as difficult as it seems because all you have to do is be consistent and true to yourself.

    2. Another way that might help you save is to start monitoring your expenses. Just making a note of all your outgoings can be a wakeup call for you.

    3. Invest in shares or mutual funds. Of course, there is going to be risk involved! However if you spend some time learning, reading up and following good advice you can start small. Set aside only what you can afford to invest, start small and don’t get carried away. Study all the pros and cons thoroughly before investing.

    4. Automatic savings – Almost all banks offer this way of transferring money from checking to the savings account. Also called a recurring deposit. You can start with a set amount and time of transfer and every month that particular amount will be saved. Such deposits don’t require you to invest a lot but over time the benefits of compounding interest are a huge payoff.

    Saving money may seem very difficult till you get started. Often you will feel like you are left with very little or no money to spend on other things or small luxuries for yourself. But once you start with this habit and realize the importance and benefits of savings, then you are surely never going back! 

    We hope these simple strategies will help you develop the habit of saving. Let us know what motivates you to save money in the comments below.

    Want to build good money habits, Read this post on having confidence around money.

    Here is a Blog post we like on Investing for Beginners. Read Here.

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