Month: July 2021

  • How to cultivate confidence around money

    managing money

    By Bhumika Ramesh

    Financial success is an essential thing for business owners to achieve. Failure or success of a company can depend on it. Therefore, achieving confidence with the way one handles money and financial assets is a vital part of reaching your goals. This will help you have an idea of how to navigate the necessary details regarding your monetary needs. 

    Let’s go over through some points that can help you achieve this!

    • Don’t let other people’s opinions influence your decisions.

    Most of the time people have their own say on different matters resulting from different experiences. However, what they say doesn’t have to be the thing for you to follow. Your own decisions and situations are different, and therefore the results and the path you take are too. Make sure you do receive advice from a legal or financial team if required – an expert’s view can point out vulnerabilities in the blueprint.

    • Plan your goal.

    Laying out a blueprint for the year or the month helps you iron out all the bumps and develop a deeper insight into what can be added. Make it a priority to revisit these goals and refurbish them as your company progresses further. Create separate accounts for managing resources – it makes it easier to access the funds.

    • Use resources and expand your knowledge.

    Never pass on an opportunity to learn more! Extending the amount of information will help you have a confident grasp on the latest news and tidings surrounding monetary and financial capital. Investments and crypto-currency are also a great way to start!

    • Acknowledge your limits.

    When you accept most of the limits you have which are holding you back, you can acquire help to assist your progress. With their help, you can expand your boundaries and take on more calculated risks and challenges to boost your confidence.

    • Focus on your achievements!

    When you achieve something – small or big, take in the feeling of accomplishment. This will help provide a sense of motivation to propel your future endeavours. Small steps forward are a great way to progress rather than giant leaps which might set you back.

    • Build a well-connected network.

    Gather  a team of experienced employees and financial experts – they can help you make decisions with ease – which makes you feel confident in managing your assets. Use their constructive criticism to create better advancements.

    And lastly, start to take action! Make sure you continue to do what matters the most and lead from there on. Managing a company while being responsible as an entrepreneur is hard, but acquiring that confidence to tackle those challenges as they come on!

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  • Dealing with Failure


    Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s a part of success.” 

    All of us strive to fulfil our passions and achieve those dreams inside us. Isn’t that what success is usually defined as? We each have created different paths to reach these destinations. Nevertheless, most of us do not see failure as an important stepping stone in this process. 

    Failure and success are 2 sides of the same coin. Both are essential experiences in the walk of life. In this article,  I share how to deal with failure. 

    • Failing Forward

    This concept of failing forward means exactly what you see – it uses the power of failure to propel you further on your path. This is an extremely hard process as it requires you to consciously understand your failures to make sure you get a headstart for the path ahead. Taking on risks and challenges, learning from your mistakes and not holding yourself back is exactly what failing forward helps you do.

    • Don’t make it personal – rather try to see it objectively.

    The perception of failure as a personal drawback in life never got anyone anywhere. Understand that it is completely okay to make these mistakes and take risks – it’s what you learn from them that matters. Seeing it from an objective view helps you to analyse the occurrence. It also helps you predict future failures that await you to use your experience to deal with it if not avoid it.

    • It hurts, so allow yourself to feel your  emotions.

    Failure does let out quite a few ugly emotions. Comprehending and accepting these emotions is also an important step. Not doing so may result in emotional baggage being carried around, which hinders professional settings, if not professional milestones. Understanding these feelings leads to a better introspective self and acquiring finer knowledge on how to deal with these emotions in the future when the necessity arises.

    • Take on only what you are actually responsible for.

    When a failure occurs we tend to blame ourselves for everything. Take responsibility but stop blaming yourself for everything. It doesn’t help. Be objective and accept responsibility for your part and allow space for others to take on their parts, don’t be the scapegoat. 

    • Growth vs. Fixed Mindset

    Having a mindset fixated on growth rather than having a stagnant one helps in various ways. Growth is hard and uncomfortable most of the time, but it is always worth it. Having an open mind towards new experiences and lessons are always beneficial. Instead of believing you will always fail, tell yourself you aren’t ready yet but will be soon. That is a growth mindset. 

    • What people think is not important.

    One of the most difficult things to remember during success or failure is that it does not matter what people think about it. Focus on your path and you’ll get where you intended to be in due time. People love to give their opinions on most things so know how to differentiate between unnecessary criticism and constructive criticism.

    • Check your ego.

    As hard as this might be to consider, sometimes our ego stands in the way of growing and learning. Figuring out this can take time. This can be one of the only hindrances for you on your journey – so identifying and regulating it is quite an essential task. Often the only thing hurting when we fail is our ego. Let it go. 

    • Keep moving ahead.

    The art of never giving up. Perseverance to get where you need to. Bill Gates’s first company was a failure. Arianna Huffington was rejected 36 times before she could publish her book. To be resilient and believe in yourself, no matter the circumstances will help you attain your dreams.

    Life is never perfect – it is always filled with ups and downs and it is up to us to make the most out of those adventures and experiences.

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  • Work smarter, not harder and Start today!

    work smarter

    By Bhumika Ramesh

    We all want to be more productive and get more out of the hours we put in. Most of us feel we should to put in more hours and way more work to get desired results. Nevertheless, we still exhaust ourselves trying to reach such goals or deadlines. Working hard is an important factor, but it does not count for everything – working smarter is a finer option. Be effective, it is beneficial in the long run rather than just putting in long hours. In this article, I’ll be going through a few tips that can help optimize your workload and make it a much more efficient process.

    • Don’t romanticize the hustle.

    A lot of people have the idea that working long hours and functioning in a high-pressure environment is an achievement. This has evolved into what is now ‘hustle culture’. We need to stop romanticizing this hustle. It doesn’t bid well to anyone who is a part of it. Working all the time, being available 24/7 isn’t the answer – it just creates an illusion of productivity in the beholder. Quality work in short time periods has proven to be much more effective than a long drawn out hustle.

    • It’s okay to take a break!

    Pushing yourself to the edge of burnout is never a good thing. It takes a huge toll on your physical and mental health. Making sure you get breaks between tasks to revitalize is extremely crucial. Rejuvenation and a vacation can do wonders. Get smart about how you organise yourself.

    • Don’t compete with people who have a huge team behind them.

    Taking on the workload of an entire team is no easy feat and it isn’t feasible in the long run. Do not push yourself by doing so. Work at your own pace and you’ll get there in time. You can hire people later to help you with the rest of your goals!

    • Watch out for the Law of Diminishing Results!

    It is proven that productivity falls sharply after a 50-hour-workweek and drops down almost completely after 55 hours. It isn’t going to mean a lot if you overexert yourself – the quality of your work can diminish. 

    • Build a business that works for you.

    When you work for a business that favors you and your time, the quality of your work and your output will definitely see an increase. Make sure the businesses you get into don’t work against you, otherwise it becomes easy for exertion to take over.

    Working smarter can save us a lot of energy, increase motivation, and develop passion deep inside. It can make you an extremely valuable asset to your company. It can also create a quality work-life balance and help to cultivate relationships in and out of the workspace. Hoping this article brought some new insight!

    Read this article on Digital organization here.

    For more tips on approaching work smarter, we love this article on

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  • What’s a good evening routine?

    evening routines

    And why its important

    Most of us have a set morning routine. Brush. Shower. Yoga. Join meetings. These rows of actions enable our mind frame to be much more relaxed and start the day on a positive note.

    However, by evening we seem to run out of energy and turn to activities such as binge-watching your favourite show or order some takeout. Rejuvenation after work is necessary but the unhealthy tasks we do in the evening can have a long-term effect on our work and even our sleep.

    In this article, let’s go over a few habits that can definitely make your evening routine a soothing period and get you prepped for the night!

    • Note down your goals and tasks for the next day.

    Doing so allows you to have a clear perspective of your priorities for the next day. It saves you from the morning rush where you scramble to see what the day entails. Make sure the most challenging task is completed first – so that your first bout of energy is allotted to that. This also frees you from worrying about tomorrow when you head out to sleep.

    • Reflect on the day’s achievements and accomplishments.

    Spending a few minutes at the end of the day to reflect can allow you to celebrate the day’s achievements and keep the drive going. You can also do this by keeping a gratitude journal. It’s beneficial to you, preserves your passion and provides encouragement for the upcoming days.

    • Create a time limit for the amount of hours spent on screens.

    Blue lights emitted from screens can dramatically impact the quality of sleep. Cut down on scrolling through social media or watching television. Pick a more recreational activity such as reading books or listening to podcasts – they engage your time much more productively.

    • Practise a bit of light stretching or yoga

    Sitting in front of screens the whole day takes a toll on your body. Light stretching and yoga in the evening not only relieves you of stress, but it also activates your parasympathetic system – which calms down your body and makes it easier to wind down.

    Having an evening routine is equally as important as having a morning routine. It’s an extremely important string of habits to have – it makes your evening much more productive and relaxing. Here’s to hoping for the creation of several more evening routines!

    Also read this article on 5 ways to relax when you are stressed

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  • Getting back to work after a Sabbatical

    success with savitha

    Here’s how your can bounce back like a #GirlBoss

    Being a modern woman is no mean feat.

    For one, expectations run high both at work and on the home front. And while, it’s all about balance, sometimes women have to let their professional life take a back seat to manage expectations at home.

    Don’t worry though. It’s not all over if you took a break from work to look after your family or
    to be a stellar mom to your new born. Nothing can stop you as long you’re not daunted by hard work or have hung up the hat on your dreams.

    But I get it – this transition doesn’t happen in a day. So if you’re determined and raring to prove your mettle in the professional space again, keep reading!

    Take stock of what it’s going to take:

    Sure you’ve been away from the thick of things for a while, and that can feel intimidating. But it doesn’t have to be a massive change you can’t cope with if you do it right. So the first thing you need to wrap your head around is what exactly that will involve:

    Getting your mindset right: Are you ready to take full onus of your professional responsibilities once you get back to the workforce?

    Organisation: The key here is to enact a balance between your professional and personal life. This is where your stellar organizational skills come into the picture Being disciplined: If you’re going to do it, you must do it right and do it consistently. Get into the habit of being disciplined with small tasks right away.

    Being professional: Sometimes, all you’ll want to do is bury your head in your pillows and forget your personal and professional obligations. But diving back into work means you need to get up and show up every day, no matter what.

    Work ethic: Both the corporate world as well as the entrepreneurial space are super competitive. And you’ll need excellent work ethic to rise head and shoulders above others.

    Chase away those doubts :

    • Have I still got it?
    • What if I don’t like what I used to do?
    • What if I can’t fit in among the go-getters who never took a break?

    First off all, stop overthinking. No really. If you keep looking inwards at your doubts, it’ll become a downward spiral you can’t control. Instead, whenever such thoughts up in your mind, try to find a plausible solution.

    Still wondering whether you’ve got it? Enroll in a few courses to upgrade your skills.

    Worried about fitting in? Remind yourself that you took responsibility when you had to and now you’re ready to dive back and give it your best shot. You owe it to yourself.

    Start small:
    Don’t let anyone tell you running a house and taking care of your family isn’t exhausting. And since you’re knee-deep in responsibilities, why not start small so that the hand off of responsibilities to your spouse or another family member is smoother?

    My advice?
    Instead of going full-steam at a 9-5 job, start working from home in your niche. Once you’re comfortable that things around the house will be fine without your intervention and you feel confident that you have your work mojo back, start preparing for interviews or laying the foundations of your brand new business.

    Don’t give up on work life balance:
    Lack of proper work life balance is why professionals burn out so fast. Don’t let that happen to yourself right after you ease into the professional space.

    Here are some tips to keep your head above the water:

    • Don’t carry work back home. Sure there may be some late nights, but don’t let that become a norm.
    • Plan some one-on-one activities with your kids every day. Nothing’s more fulfilling than this (except perhaps some wine and Netflix…)
    • Plan date nights often
    • Practice a self-care routine
    • Don’t give up on your hobbies

    The Wrap

    Getting back to work after a sizeable break may seem like a Herculean task.

    But take a moment to reflect what it will do to your self-confidence (and your sanity, am I right?).

    Apart from financial independence, you’ll be a mom who can give her kids the best of both worlds and be their role model.

    Honestly, there’s no time like now. And there’s no room for self-doubt if you’re determined.

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  • Bullet Journaling

    bullet journaling

    By Bhumika Ramesh

    Being organized is never easy. We see a ton of resources everywhere – showing us how to organize with planners, diaries and journals. If you feel these methods are a little too hectic, bullet journaling might be the fit for you!

    Well, what is a bullet journal?

    Also known as Bujo, these journals were created as a system to organize by Ryder Carroll – a  product designer based in New York. In his words, it is something that can help you to ‘track the past, organize the present and plan for the future.” 

    It is a sort of notebook used for everything under the sun – writing, drawing, planning, to-do lists, calendars, and notes.

    It’s an extremely flexible way of noting down anything. With no specific prompts or templates, bullet journaling is all about you. It’s a terrific way of customising your tasks at work, school or just your day-to-day life.

    To get started, reflect on the purpose you would be using it for. People use it for various goals – for taking down tasks, planning their days or using it as a tracker for goals. Figure out your challenges and go forward. 

    Gather a simple plain notebook or a dot grid notebook with a few pens. If you’re feeling creative, colours can be added too!

    As you continue to customise your bullet journal, include collections. Every page you use in the journal is given a topic and these topics are called collections.

    The four collections mentioned below are basic collections that are usually present in most bullet journals.

    Index: This section is present at the front of your notebook and functions as a table of contents.

    Future log: This section acts as a long-term planner. You can note down yearly goals, tasks, birthdays, and travel plans.

    Monthly log: This section acts as a spread of how your month would look like – with tasks and monthly appointments. You can also add other sections regarding finance, eating habits, fitness etc.

    Daily log: This section is your daily to-do list. 

    Making use of a tracking system such as symbols that indicate the status of your tasks is extremely beneficial. It is known as rapid logging.

    For example, drawing a circle next to a task and filling it in when it is completed. These, as usual, can be customisable. Do add page numbers if you’re feeling a little meticulous.

    Using a bullet journal can help reduce stress levels and improve your mental health. It acts as an outlet for your creative juices to flow after a busy day.

    Here’s to happy journaling ahead!

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